JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)




PicketLink AS7 Console and Extension

Along with the PicketLink 2.1.4.Final, two useful projects were released too:

Give them a try !

Download Files

Check our Installation Guide for more information about how to configure PicketLink with your JBoss Application Server v7 installation.

You will need two jar files :  PicketLink Core Jar  as well as a Bindings jar (based on the server)

Updating the PicketLink module in JBoss AS 7

In order to use this version in JBoss AS 7 you need to update the PicketLink module. Please take a look at the Installation Guide.

PicketLink Quickstarts (Example applications)

PicketLink provides some useful examples about using some core features. Give it a try:

Release Notes


  • [ PLFED-324 ] - RuntimeException on global logout with SAML2AttributeHandler

  • [ PLFED-355 ] - XMLTimeUtil.parseAsDuration should support ISO 8601 durations

Additional Information

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 12:17:51 UTC, last content change 2012-08-10 19:36:56 UTC.