This is going away. Replaced by a working dashboard.
This will be replaced by a new and improved dashboard system.
Multiple dashboards per user
Dashboards can be shared between users (and configured by admins)
Dashboards are completely customizable sets of columnar portlets
New portlets will be created for important stuff
Saved search display (see below)
Graphs of metrics
Multiples of each portlet
Perspective specifc portlets
"Subsystem views" portlets
The browse resources section will be replaced by a Saved Searches section. This section will allow one to perform advanced (DynaSearch) search queries to find resources and allow for customization of the columns displayed. Once searched these searches can be saved to "My Searches" area in the search nav on the left. They can also be shared with other users into a "Global Searches" section.
DynaSearch will be advanced with better conditionals, simpler syntax and advanced fuzzy related info search. e.g. Find me all JBoss AS instances that have alerts on any of their descendent resources in the last 8 hours.
Search Requirements
Search by descendent info
Search by alert info
Search by OOB info
Search by config changes
Search by content changes
Search by Available content updates and errata
Search by host info
Result Requirements
Columnar display will take into account the Design - Resource Naming proposal
Columns can include related data (alerts, config changes, metrics, traits, availability)
Creating Searched Requirements
See elsewhere for adding "modes" and "filters"
Save Requirements
Left nav "My Searches" section can be customized with personal searches and bookmarked global searches to allow a user to only have to worry about the searches that are important to them
Permisioning needed on global search management
Left Nav search lists will display counts of matching resources
Clone and alter saved searches
Share you private search to global
Search Context Requirements
After searching and clicking on a found resource, the search context will be remembered and allow you to click "Return to Search" as well as click next or previous links to jump to relative resources in the search. It will also show where you are (Resource 43 out of 87).
Search context is remembered as long as you remain on the same resource (or perhaps it stays forever and you click "x" to remove)
Browsing back to the Search System, the system will remember where you where in the navigation, reselecting the last saved search selected
As listed elsewhere, make the platform tree consistent.
Standards on workflow look & feel (wizards)
Start page
System Administration
Security setup (user + role)
Group management