JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.8



RHQ consists of subsystems devoted to different aspects of systems management.


Inventory is responsible for finding and tracking the platforms, servers and services that will be managed using RHQ. This system provides auto-discovery for easier deployment and thorough models of deployed systems and applications. It provides the central administrator the ability to configure which features will be used on which targeted services.


Configuration supports reading, updating, and tracking changes to the settings for managed resources. These configuration changes can be tracked historical and even detect changes made outside the system while providing an audited history and the ability to roll back to previous versions for supported resources.


Monitoring manages the collection of statistics and state for managed products and the setup of collection intervals and details. This system also provides running baselines to show metrics that go out of their normal ranges.


The Alerts feature set integrates with other subsystems to provide notifications of user defined conditions. This can be utilized to notify administrators of performance problems or failed operations. Complex conditions allow for detailed alert situations to be modelled while dampening allows for the right semantics to occur before notification of administrators occur.


Operations offer the ability to execute actions against managed resources in the inventory. These operations depend on the resource, but can include actions such as stop, start and restart as well as clearing caches or gathering detailed operation information.


Also known as the "Bundle" subsystem, RHQ's Provisioning feature allows you to deploy packages of software to remote machines, thus allowing you to install and upgrade software.


Drift monitoring and non-compliance detection of file content allow you to ensure that your software installations remain uncorrupted through accidental or malicious changes.


The content subsystem is a mechanism through which a plugin can expose specific pieces of content on a resource. This related content comes in the form of files such as executables, configurations, or log files. The content subsystem will record these files in the inventory and capture metadata on different revisions of the content and allow for deployment of new versions of the content.


Groups deliver an important ability to aggregate detailed service models into components users can understand. They also provide the underlying mechanism for application of access control semantics with the security model.


Events can be seen as a type of measurement data that are not collected at fixed intervals, but that occur at random points in time. RHQ is able to detect events, filter them by severity, display them in the user interface and have alerts sent based on defined event conditions.


Search is an extremely powerful facility. It was developed to enable users to gain deeper insight more quickly into their enterprise by supporting a sophisticated method of querying system state.

Security Model

The fine grained security model provides the ability to define specific levels of visibility, control capability and access to any set of resources in inventory and users. It can be utilized to provide visibility for coordination between groups while limiting risky change control to a exclusive set of users devoted to a specific application or environment.


Tag your resources, groups and other items with your own custom labels to easily determine how your RHQ entities relate to your real-world environment.


Provides a customizable interface to allow you to get a brief summary and overview of your environment's overall health.


Provides some commonly needed reports useful to analyze the health of your environment.


RHQ provides the capability to set up and control RHQ server clouds, control when and how often maintainence on its data is performed, set up and control content sources and channels, among other things.

Agent Features

The RHQ Agent is the software component that is installed on your managed machines. The agent's responsibilities involve the probing and controlling of your managed resources. The agent has some unique features itself.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-12 15:32:36 UTC, last content change 2013-01-17 15:32:33 UTC.