JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.9


Contributions to RHQ

The RHQ project welcomes all contributions to this GPL/LGPL open source project. We are always looking for help improving our documentation, fixing bugs, adding additional features or just suggesting new features.

We are for example looking for translations of (Installer) messages to other languages.

How and where to start?

You can

  • file bugs and enhancement requests in Bugzilla or search for existing bugs to comment on them (or even better to fix them

  • discuss the usage of RHQ and Jopr in the user mailing list

  • discuss RHQ implementation details in the developer mailing lists

  • help us improve the documentation on theses wiki pages (request access on #rhq)

  • talk to the developers on #rhq on irc.freenode.net

    • If you can not use irc protocol, you can join via web-frontend

  • Write blog postings about RHQ that we can link from the blogs section of the wiki and also tweet about

  • Create patches and enhancements - see the contribution guidelines for more details (and the Contributor License Agreement section below).

  • Check the Roadmap page to get more ideas on how to get involved.

To get started with the source code, follow the How to build RHQ and install RHQ instructions. 

The Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

In order to contribute code and other content to the RHQ project (and possibly commit it to git) we require that you sign up for a Fedora Project account and sign the Contributor License Agreement. You can sign up for a fedora account here.

If you just want to contribute translations of messages, it is not necessary for you to sign the Fedora CLA. All such contributions are deemed to be licensed by you under the MIT License (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:MIT#Modern_Style_with_sublicense). Note that in this case the actual commit to the version control system needs to be done by an already existing developer.

Why a CLA?

The purpose of the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) is to establish copyright control under Red Hat, Inc. on behalf of the Fedora Project. By having a single entity hold copyright:

  • It is easier to be more nimble with future relicensing needs

  • That one incorporated entity can handle being sued

  • The project can act singularly on the behalf of all the code and documentation without having to make costly and lengthy research into responses from every copyright holder

  • All individual contributors to the Fedora Project are required to sign the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement and all of their contributions are subject to it.

You can sign up for a Fedora Project account and request the The Fedora Project Contributor Agreement.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 08:19:38 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:42:21 UTC.