JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.9



RHQ has a tagging system that allows you to tag your resources, groups and bundles with your own custom labels to help you organize and identify your RHQ entities more easily. RHQ tagging was introduced mainly to support bundle-based provisioning requirements relating to managing the choices of deployments and deployment information; however, tagging can also be used to label your individual resources and groups for use in identifying them with your own custom markers.


Tag Format

RHQ supports a "triple tagging system". Each tag has a namespace and extra semantic information. This will allow you to set up your own folksonomy that will work with your own custom processes and decision trees on provisioning.

Tags are declared with the following format:


Some examples:

  • it:environment=production

  • it:environment=QA

  • biz:department=HumanResources

  • biz:department=IT

  • biz:costCenter=3234

  • it:hwVendor=HP

  • it:hwVendor=Dell

  • app:status=untested

  • app:status=validatedForProduction

  • owner=DevGroup

  • deprecated

You are free to make up your own namespaces, semantics and tags. The above are only examples to give you an idea of the types of information tags can contain and how you can organize them.

Searching For Tags

You can add tags to resource, groups, bundles, bundle versions, bundle deployments and bundle destinations. Here's a screen showing you a resource that has been tagged:


You can view all the tags in your system via the Tag Cloud view, and by selecting an individual tag within the cloud, you can find out which resources, groups, etc. have been tagged with that specific tag:


JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 08:46:59 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:44:01 UTC.