Uses of Interface

Packages that use AnnotatedType
javax.enterprise.inject.spi The portable extension integration SPI. 

Uses of AnnotatedType in javax.enterprise.inject.spi

Subinterfaces of AnnotatedType in javax.enterprise.inject.spi
 interface IdentifiedAnnotatedType<X>
          IdentifiedAnnotatedType allows multiple annotated types, based on the same underlying type, to be defined.

Methods in javax.enterprise.inject.spi that return AnnotatedType
<T> AnnotatedType<T>
BeanManager.createAnnotatedType(Class<T> type)
          Obtain an AnnotatedType that may be used to read the annotations of the given class or interface.
 AnnotatedType<X> ProcessManagedBean.getAnnotatedBeanClass()
          Returns the AnnotatedType representing the bean class.
 AnnotatedType<X> ProcessInjectionTarget.getAnnotatedType()
          Returns the AnnotatedType representing the managed bean class, session bean class or other Java EE component class supporting injection.
 AnnotatedType<X> ProcessAnnotatedType.getAnnotatedType()
          Returns the AnnotatedType object that will be used by the container to read the declared annotations.
<T> AnnotatedType<T>
BeanManager.getAnnotatedType(Class<T> type, String id)
          Obtain the AnnotatedType that may be used to read the annotations of the given class or interface as defined during container initialization.
 AnnotatedType<X> AnnotatedMember.getDeclaringType()
           Get the type which defines this member.

Methods in javax.enterprise.inject.spi that return types with arguments of type AnnotatedType
 Iterator<AnnotatedType<?>> ProcessModule.getAnnotatedTypes()
<T> Iterable<AnnotatedType<T>>
BeanManager.getAnnotatedTypes(Class<T> type)
          Obtain the AnnotatedTypes that may be used to read the annotations of the given class or interface as defined during container initialization.

Methods in javax.enterprise.inject.spi with parameters of type AnnotatedType
 void BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType<?> type)
          Adds a given AnnotatedType to the set of types which will be scanned during bean discovery.
<T> BeanAttributes<T>
BeanManager.createBeanAttributes(AnnotatedType<T> type)
          Obtains a BeanAttributes for the given AnnotatedType.
<T> InjectionTarget<T>
BeanManager.createInjectionTarget(AnnotatedType<T> type)
          Obtains an InjectionTarget for the given AnnotatedType.
 void ProcessAnnotatedType.setAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType<X> type)
          Replaces the AnnotatedType.

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