Package org.hibernate.cfg

Interface Summary
PropertyHolder Property holder abstract property containers from their direct implementation

Class Summary
AnnotationBinder JSR 175 annotation binder Will read the annotation from classes, apply the principles of the EJB3 spec and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the classes in the mapping package)
AnnotationConfiguration Add JSR 175 configuration capability.
ComponentPropertyHolder Component implementation of property holder
Ejb3Column Wrap state of an EJB3 @Column annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element
Ejb3DiscriminatorColumn Discriminator column
Ejb3JoinColumn Wrap state of an EJB3 @JoinColumn annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element
EJB3NamingStrategy NAming strategy implementing the EJB3 standards
ExtendedMappings Allow annotation related mappings

at least for named generators

FkSecondPass Enable a proper set of the FK columns in respect with the id column order Allow the correct implementation of the default EJB3 values which needs both sides of the association to be resolved
IndexColumn index column
InheritanceState Some extra data to the inheritance position of a class
PropertyHolderBuilder This factory is here ot build a PropertyHolder and prevent .mapping interface adding
PropertyInferredData Retrieve all inferred data from an annnoted element

Enum Summary
AnnotatedClassType Type of annotation of a class will give its type

Exception Summary
NotYetImplementedException Mapping not yet implemented