JBoss EJB client 1.0.5.Final

Package org.jboss.ejb.client

Interface Summary
ClusterNodeManager A ClusterNodeManager is responsible for creating and managing the EJBReceiver associated with a cluster node
ClusterNodeSelector A selector which selects and returns a node from the available nodes in a cluster.
ContextSelector<T> A selector for a given context.
DeploymentNodeSelector A selector which selects and returns a node, from among the passed eligible nodes, that can handle a specific deployment within a EJB client context.
EJBClientConfiguration EJBClientConfiguration is responsible for providing the configurations that will be used for creating EJB receivers and managing the EJB client context.
EJBClientConfiguration.ClusterConfiguration Holds cluster specific configurations
EJBClientConfiguration.ClusterNodeConfiguration Holds the cluster node specific configuration
EJBClientConfiguration.CommonConnectionCreationConfiguration Holds the common configurations that are required for connection creation
EJBClientConfiguration.RemotingConnectionConfiguration Holds the connection specific configurations
EJBClientContextInitializer A general initializer for an EJB client context.
EJBClientInterceptor An EJB client interceptor, possibly protocol-specific.
EJBReceiverInvocationContext.ResultProducer A result producer for invocation.

Class Summary
Affinity The affinity specification for an EJB proxy.
Attachable An object which may have attachments.
AttachmentKey<T> An attachment key.
AttachmentKeys Commonly-used attachment keys.
BasicSessionID A basic session ID object.
ClusterAffinity A cluster affinity specification.
ClusterContext A ClusterContext keeps track of a specific cluster and the ClusterNodes in that cluster.
ConstantContextSelector<T> A context selector which always returns the same instance.
DefaultInterceptorsClientContextInitializer A EJBClientContextInitializer which sets up the default interceptors for the client context
EJBClient The main EJB client API class.
EJBClientContext The public API for an EJB client context.
EJBClientInterceptor.Registration An interceptor registration handle.
EJBClientInvocationContext An invocation context for EJB invocations from an EJB client
EJBClientManagedTransactionContext A transaction context for environments with a TransactionManager.
EJBClientTransactionContext The transaction context for an EJB client.
EJBClientUserTransactionContext The transaction context for manual control of transactions on a remote node.
EJBHandle<T extends EJBObject> A handle for an EJB interface.
EJBHomeHandle<T extends EJBHome> A handle for an EJB home interface.
EJBHomeLocator<T extends EJBHome> A locator for an EJB's home interface.
EJBLocator<T> An identifier for an EJB proxy invocation target instance, suitable for use as a hash key or a serialized token.
EJBMetaDataImpl An implementation of the EJBMetaData interface which allows a client to obtain the enterprise Bean's meta-data information.
EJBReceiver A receiver for EJB invocations.
EJBReceiverContext The context used by receivers to communicate state changes with the EJB client context.
EJBReceiverInvocationContext The context used for an EJB receiver to return the result of an invocation.
EntityEJBLocator<T extends EJBObject> A locator for an entity EJB.
NodeAffinity A single node affinity specification.
PropertiesBasedEJBClientConfiguration A EJBClientConfiguration which is configured through Properties.
SerializedEJBInvocationHandler A serialized EJB invocation handler.
SessionID A session ID for a stateful EJB.
SessionID.Serialized Serialized representation of a session ID..
StatefulEJBLocator<T> A locator for a stateful session EJB.
StatelessEJBLocator<T> A locator for a stateless session EJB.
ThreadLocalContextSelector<T> A context selector which uses thread-local storage.
TransactionID A transaction ID for an invocation.
TransactionID.Serialized Serialized representation of a transaction ID.
TransactionInterceptor The client interceptor which associates the current transaction ID with the invocation.
UnknownSessionID A session ID of an unknown format.
XidTransactionID A transaction ID for an XID, used to propagate transactions from a transaction controller running on this or a calling node.

JBoss EJB client 1.0.5.Final

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