JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation


Errai Reference Guide

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This is the Errai Reference Guide.

1. Document Conventions
2. Feedback
1. Introduction
1.1. What is it?
1.2. Installation
1.2.1. Required software
2. Messaging
2.1. Messaging Overview
2.2. MessageBuilder API
2.3. Single-Response Conversations & Psuedo-Synchronous Messaging
2.4. Sender Inferred Subjects
2.5. Broadcasting
2.6. Client-to-Client Communication
2.7. Message Routing Information
3. Handling Errors
4. Asynchronous Message Tasks
5. Repeating Tasks
6. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
6.1. Making calls
6.2. Handling exceptions
7. Queue Sessions
7.1. Scopes
7.1.1. Local Scope
7.1.2. Session Scopes
7.2. Lifecycle
8. Serialization
8.1. Serialization of external types
9. Wiring server side components
10. Bus Configuration
10.1. web.xml and appserver configuration
10.2. ErraiService.properties
10.2.1. errai.dispatcher.implementation
10.2.2. errai.async_thread_pool_size
10.2.3. errai.async.worker_timeout
10.2.4. errai.authentication_adapter
10.2.5. errai.require_authentication_for_all
10.2.6. errai.auto_discover_services
10.2.7. errai.auto_load_extensions
10.3. ErraiApp.properties
11. Dispatchers
11.1. SimpleDispatcher
11.2. AsyncDispatcher
12. Servlet Implementations
12.1. DefaultBlockingServlet
12.2. TomcatCometServlet
12.3. JettyContinuationsServlet
12.4. JBossCometServlet
12.5. GrizzlyCometServlet
12.6. WeblogicAsyncServlet
13. Debugging Errai Applications
15. Sources
16. Introduction
16.1. What is it
16.2. Installation
16.2.1. Required software
18. Sources
19. Errai Bus
19.1. Messaging
19.1.1. Messaging Overview
19.1.2. MessageBuilder API
19.1.3. Single-Response Conversations & Psuedo-Synchronous Messaging
19.1.4. Sender Inferred Subjects
19.1.5. Broadcasting
19.1.6. Client-to-Client Communication
19.1.7. Message Routing Information
19.2. Handling Errors
19.3. Asynchronous Message Tasks
19.4. Repeating Tasks
19.5. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
19.5.1. Making calls
19.5.2. Handling exceptions
19.6. Queue Sessions
19.6.1. Scopes
19.6.2. Lifecycle
19.7. Serialization
19.7.1. Serialization of external types
19.8. Wiring server side components
19.9. Bus Configuration
19.9.1. web.xml and appserver configuration
19.9.2. ErraiService.properties
19.9.3. ErraiApp.properties
19.10. Dispatchers
19.10.1. SimpleDispatcher
19.10.2. AsyncDispatcher
19.11. Servlet Implementations
19.11.1. DefaultBlockingServlet
19.11.2. TomcatCometServlet
19.11.3. JettyContinuationsServlet
19.11.4. JBossCometServlet
19.11.5. GrizzlyCometServlet
19.11.6. WeblogicAsyncServlet
19.12. Debugging Errai Applications
19.13. What is Errai Bus?
19.14. Messaging
19.14.1. Messaging Overview
19.14.2. MessageBuilder API
19.14.3. Single-Response Conversations & Psuedo-Synchronous Messaging
19.14.4. Sender Inferred Subjects
19.14.5. Broadcasting
19.14.6. Client-to-Client Communication
19.14.7. Message Routing Information
19.14.8. Messaging Overview
19.14.9. MessageBuilder API
19.14.10. Single-Response Conversations & Psuedo-Synchronous Messaging
19.14.11. Sender Inferred Subjects
19.14.12. Broadcasting
19.14.13. Message Routing Information
19.15. Handling Errors
19.16. Asynchronous Message Tasks
19.17. Repeating Tasks
19.18. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
19.18.1. Making calls
19.18.2. Handling exceptions
19.19. Queue Sessions
19.19.1. Scopes
19.19.2. Lifecycle
19.19.3. Lifecycle
19.19.4. Scopes
19.20. Serialization
19.20.1. Serialization of external types
19.20.2. Serialization of external types
19.21. Wiring server side components
19.22. Bus Configuration
19.22.1. web.xml and appserver configuration
19.22.2. ErraiService.properties
19.22.3. ErraiApp.properties
19.22.4. ErraiApp.properties
19.22.5. ErraiService.properties
19.22.6. web.xml and appserver configuration
19.23. Dispatchers
19.23.1. SimpleDispatcher
19.23.2. AsyncDispatcher
19.23.3. AsyncDispatcher
19.23.4. SimpleDispatcher
19.24. Servlet Implementations
19.24.1. DefaultBlockingServlet
19.24.2. TomcatCometServlet
19.24.3. JettyContinuationsServlet
19.24.4. JBossCometServlet
19.24.5. GrizzlyCometServlet
19.24.6. WeblogicAsyncServlet
19.24.7. DefaultBlockingServlet
19.24.8. GrizzlyCometServlet
19.24.9. JBossCometServlet
19.24.10. JettyContinuationsServlet
19.24.11. TomcatCometServlet
19.24.12. WeblogicAsyncServlet
19.25. Debugging Errai Applications
20. Development Proxy
21. Errai IOC
21.1. Dependency Injection
21.2. Container Wiring
21.2.1. level Providers
21.3. Container Wiring
21.3.1. level Providers
21.3.2. level Providers
21.4. Dependency Injection
22. Reporting problems
A. Revision History