Class VersionProperty

  extended byorg.hibernate.tuple.Property
      extended byorg.hibernate.tuple.StandardProperty
          extended byorg.hibernate.tuple.VersionProperty
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VersionProperty
extends StandardProperty

Represents a version property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel.

Steve Ebersole
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
VersionProperty(String name, String node, Type type, boolean lazy, boolean insertable, boolean updateable, boolean insertGenerated, boolean updateGenerated, boolean nullable, boolean checkable, boolean versionable, CascadeStyle cascadeStyle, VersionValue unsavedValue)
          Constructs VersionProperty instances.
Method Summary
 VersionValue getUnsavedValue()
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.tuple.StandardProperty
getCascadeStyle, getFetchMode, isDirtyCheckable, isDirtyCheckable, isInsertable, isInsertGenerated, isLazy, isNullable, isUpdateable, isUpdateGenerated, isVersionable
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.tuple.Property
getName, getNode, getType, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VersionProperty(String name,
                       String node,
                       Type type,
                       boolean lazy,
                       boolean insertable,
                       boolean updateable,
                       boolean insertGenerated,
                       boolean updateGenerated,
                       boolean nullable,
                       boolean checkable,
                       boolean versionable,
                       CascadeStyle cascadeStyle,
                       VersionValue unsavedValue)
Constructs VersionProperty instances.

name - The name by which the property can be referenced within its owner.
node - The node name to use for XML-based representation of this property.
type - The Hibernate Type of this property.
lazy - Should this property be handled lazily?
insertable - Is this property an insertable value?
updateable - Is this property an updateable value?
insertGenerated - Is this property generated in the database on insert?
updateGenerated - Is this property generated in the database on update?
nullable - Is this property a nullable value?
checkable - Is this property a checkable value?
versionable - Is this property a versionable value?
cascadeStyle - The cascade style for this property's value.
unsavedValue - The value which, if found as the value of this (i.e., the version) property, represents new (i.e., un-saved) instances of the owning entity.
Method Detail


public VersionValue getUnsavedValue()