Package org.hibernate.action

This package defines "actions" that are scheduled for asycnchronous execution by the event listeners.


Interface Summary
AfterTransactionCompletionProcess Contract representing some process that needs to occur during after transaction completion.
BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess Contract representing some process that needs to occur during before transaction completion.
Executable An operation which may be scheduled for later execution.

Class Summary
BulkOperationCleanupAction An ActionQueue Executable for ensuring shared cache cleanup in relation to performed bulk HQL queries.
CollectionAction Any action relating to insert/update/delete of a collection
DelayedPostInsertIdentifier Acts as a stand-in for an entity identifier which is supposed to be generated on insert (like an IDENTITY column) where the insert needed to be delayed because we were outside a transaction when the persist occurred (save currently still performs the insert).
EntityAction Base class for actions relating to insert/update/delete of an entity instance.
EntityIncrementVersionProcess Verify/Increment the entity version
EntityVerifyVersionProcess Verify/Increment the entity version

Package org.hibernate.action Description

This package defines "actions" that are scheduled for asycnchronous execution by the event listeners.

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