Package org.hibernate.connection

This package abstracts the mechanism for obtaining a JDBC connection.


Interface Summary
ConnectionProvider A strategy for obtaining JDBC connections.

Class Summary
C3P0ConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses a C3P0 connection pool.
ConnectionProviderFactory Instantiates a connection provider given either System properties or a java.util.Properties instance.
DatasourceConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses a DataSource registered with JNDI.
DriverManagerConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses java.sql.DriverManager.
ProxoolConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses a Proxool connection pool.
UserSuppliedConnectionProvider An implementation of the ConnectionProvider interface that simply throws an exception when a connection is requested.

Package org.hibernate.connection Description

This package abstracts the mechanism for obtaining a JDBC connection.

A concrete implementation of ConnectionProvider may be selected by specifying hibernate.connection.provider_class.

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