Uses of Interface

Packages that use Value
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 

Uses of Value in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return Value
 Value FkSecondPass.getValue()

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg with parameters of type Value
static Ejb3JoinColumn Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn(PrimaryKeyJoinColumn pkJoinAnn, JoinColumn joinAnn, Value identifier, Map<String,Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, ExtendedMappings mappings)
          Build JoinColumn for a JOINED hierarchy
static void BinderHelper.createSyntheticPropertyReference(Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, PersistentClass ownerEntity, PersistentClass associatedEntity, Value value, boolean inverse, ExtendedMappings mappings)

Uses of Value in org.hibernate.cfg.annotations

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg.annotations that return Value
protected  Value MapBinder.createFormulatedValue(Value value, Collection collection, String targetPropertyName, PersistentClass associatedClass)
 Value PropertyBinder.getValue()

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg.annotations with parameters of type Value
protected  Value MapBinder.createFormulatedValue(Value value, Collection collection, String targetPropertyName, PersistentClass associatedClass)
static void TableBinder.createUniqueConstraint(Value value)
 void PropertyBinder.setValue(Value value)

Uses of Value in org.hibernate.envers.configuration.metadata

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.configuration.metadata with parameters of type Value
 void ComponentMetadataGenerator.addComponent(org.dom4j.Element parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, Value value, CompositeMapperBuilder mapper, String entityName, EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, boolean firstPass)

Uses of Value in

Methods in with parameters of type Value
static String MappingTools.getReferencedEntityName(Value value)

Uses of Value in org.hibernate.mapping

Subinterfaces of Value in org.hibernate.mapping
 interface KeyValue
          Represents an identifying key of a table: the value for primary key of an entity, or a foreign key of a collection or join table or joined subclass table.

Classes in org.hibernate.mapping that implement Value
 class Any
          A Hibernate "any" type (ie.
 class Array
          An array mapping has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column.
 class Bag
          A bag permits duplicates, so it has no primary key
 class Collection
          Mapping for a collection.
 class Component
          The mapping for a component, composite element, composite identifier, etc.
 class DependantValue
          A value which is "typed" by reference to some other value (for example, a foreign key is typed by the referenced primary key).
 class IdentifierBag
          An IdentifierBag has a primary key consisting of just the identifier column
 class IdentifierCollection
          A collection with a synthetic "identifier" column
 class IndexedCollection
          Indexed collections include Lists, Maps, arrays and primitive arrays.
 class List
          A list mapping has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column.
 class ManyToOne
          A many-to-one association mapping
 class Map
          A map has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index columns.
 class OneToMany
          A mapping for a one-to-many association
 class OneToOne
          A one-to-one association mapping
 class PrimitiveArray
          A primitive array has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column.
 class Set
          A set with no nullable element columns.
 class SimpleValue
          Any value that maps to columns.
 class ToOne
          A simple-point association (ie.

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping that return Value
 Value Subclass.getDiscriminator()
 Value RootClass.getDiscriminator()
abstract  Value PersistentClass.getDiscriminator()
 Value Collection.getElement()
 Value IndexedCollection.getIndex()
 Value Property.getValue()
 Value Column.getValue()

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type Value
 void RootClass.setDiscriminator(Value discriminator)
 void Collection.setElement(Value element)
 void IndexedCollection.setIndex(Value index)
 void Property.setValue(Value value)
 void Column.setValue(Value value)

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