Package org.hibernate

This package defines the central Hibernate APIs.


Interface Summary
Cache Provides an API for querying/managing the second level cache regions.
Criteria Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing Criterion objects.
EntityNameResolver Contract for resolving an entity-name from a given entity instance.
Filter Type definition of Filter.
Interceptor Allows user code to inspect and/or change property values.
Query An object-oriented representation of a Hibernate query.
ScrollableResults A result iterator that allows moving around within the results by arbitrary increments.
Session The main runtime interface between a Java application and Hibernate.
Session.LockRequest Contains locking details (LockMode, Timeout and Scope).
SessionFactory The main contract here is the creation of Session instances.
SessionFactoryObserver Allows reaction to basic SessionFactory occurrences.
SQLQuery Allows the user to declare the types and select list injection points of all entities returned by the query.
StatelessSession A command-oriented API for performing bulk operations against a database.
Transaction Allows the application to define units of work, while maintaining abstraction from the underlying transaction implementation (eg.

Class Summary
CacheMode Controls how the session interacts with the second-level cache and query cache.
ConnectionReleaseMode Defines the various policies by which Hibernate might release its underlying JDBC connection.
EmptyInterceptor An interceptor that does nothing.
EntityMode Defines the representation modes available for entities.
FetchMode Represents an association fetching strategy.
FlushMode Represents a flushing strategy.
Hibernate Provides access to the full range of Hibernate built-in types.
LockMode Instances represent a lock mode for a row of a relational database table.
LockOptions Contains locking details (LockMode, Timeout and Scope).
ReplicationMode Represents a replication strategy.
ScrollMode Specifies the type of JDBC scrollable result set to use underneath a ScrollableResults
Version Information about the Hibernate version.

Exception Summary
AnnotationException Annotation related exception.
AssertionFailure Indicates failure of an assertion: a possible bug in Hibernate.
CallbackException Should be thrown by persistent objects from Lifecycle or Interceptor callbacks.
DuplicateMappingException Raised whenever a duplicate for a certain type occurs.
HibernateException The base Throwable type for Hibernate.
InstantiationException Thrown if Hibernate can't instantiate an entity or component class at runtime.
InvalidMappingException Thrown when a mapping is found to be invalid.
JDBCException Wraps an SQLException.
LazyInitializationException Indicates access to unfetched data outside of a session context.
MappingException An exception that usually occurs at configuration time, rather than runtime, as a result of something screwy in the O-R mappings.
MappingNotFoundException Thrown when a resource for a mapping could not be found.
NonUniqueObjectException This exception is thrown when an operation would break session-scoped identity.
NonUniqueResultException Thrown when the application calls Query.uniqueResult() and the query returned more than one result.
ObjectDeletedException Thrown when the user tries to do something illegal with a deleted object.
ObjectNotFoundException Thrown when Session.load() fails to select a row with the given primary key (identifier value).
OptimisticLockException Throw when an optimistic locking conflict occurs.
PersistentObjectException Thrown when the user passes a persistent instance to a Session method that expects a transient instance.
PessimisticLockException Thrown when a pessimistic locking conflict occurs.
PropertyAccessException A problem occurred accessing a property of an instance of a persistent class by reflection, or via CGLIB.
PropertyNotFoundException Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class.
PropertyValueException Thrown when the (illegal) value of a property can not be persisted.
QueryException A problem occurred translating a Hibernate query to SQL due to invalid query syntax, etc.
QueryParameterException Parameter invalid or not found in the query
QueryTimeoutException Thrown when a database query timeout occurs.
SessionException Thrown when the user calls a method of a Session that is in an inappropropriate state for the given call (for example, the the session is closed or disconnected).
StaleObjectStateException A StaleStateException that carries information about a particular entity instance that was the source of the failure.
StaleStateException Thrown when a version number or timestamp check failed, indicating that the Session contained stale data (when using long transactions with versioning).
TransactionException Indicates that a transaction could not be begun, committed or rolled back.
TransientObjectException Thrown when the user passes a transient instance to a Session method that expects a persistent instance.
TypeMismatchException Used when a user provided type does not match the expected one
UnknownProfileException Used to indicate a request against an unknown profile name.
UnresolvableObjectException Thrown when Hibernate could not resolve an object by id, especially when loading an association.
WrongClassException Thrown when Session.load() selects a row with the given primary key (identifier value) but the row's discriminator value specifies a subclass that is not assignable to the class requested by the user.

Package org.hibernate Description

This package defines the central Hibernate APIs.

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