Package org.hibernate.cache.spi

Interface Summary
CacheDataDescription Describes attributes regarding the type of data to be cached.
CollectionRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store collection data.
EntityRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store entity data.
GeneralDataRegion Contract for general-purpose cache regions.
OptimisticCacheSource Contract for sources of optimistically lockable data sent to the second level cache.
QueryCache Defines the contract for caches capable of storing query results.
QueryCacheFactory Defines a factory for query cache instances.
QueryResultsRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store query results.
Region Defines a contract for accessing a particular named region within the underlying cache implementation.
RegionFactory Contract for building second level cache regions.
TimestampsRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store entity "update timestamps".
TransactionalDataRegion Defines contract for regions which hold transactionally-managed data.
TransactionAwareCache Marker interface for identifying Cache implementations which are aware of JTA transactions

Class Summary
CacheKey Allows multiple entity classes / collection roles to be stored in the same cache region.
FilterKey Allows cached queries to be keyed by enabled filters.
QueryKey A key that identifies a particular query with bound parameter values.
UpdateTimestampsCache Tracks the timestamps of the most recent updates to particular tables.

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