Package org.hibernate.jdbc

Essentially defines Work, ReturningWork and Expectation as well as some exceptions


Interface Summary
Expectation Defines an expected DML operation outcome.
ReturningWork<T> A discrete piece of work following the lines of Work but returning a result.
Work Contract for performing a discrete piece of JDBC work.
WorkExecutorVisitable<T> This interface provides a way to execute unrelated "work" objects using polymorphism.

Class Summary
AbstractReturningWork<T> An abstract implementation of ReturningWork that accepts a WorkExecutor visitor for executing a discrete piece of work and returning a result.
AbstractWork An abstract implementation of Work that accepts a WorkExecutor visitor for executing a discrete piece of work.
Expectations Holds various often used Expectations.BasicExpectation definitions.
WorkExecutor<T> A visitor used for executing a discrete piece of work encapsulated in a Work or ReturningWork instance..

Exception Summary
BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException Much like TooManyRowsAffectedException, indicates that more rows than what we were expcecting were affected.
BatchFailedException Indicates a failed batch entry (-3 return).
TooManyRowsAffectedException Indicates that more rows were affected then we were expecting to be.

Package org.hibernate.jdbc Description

Essentially defines Work, ReturningWork and Expectation as well as some exceptions

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