Interface Summary | |
Configurable | An IdentifierGenerator that supports "configuration". |
IdentifierGenerator | The general contract between a class that generates unique identifiers and the Session. |
PersistentIdentifierGenerator | An IdentifierGenerator that requires creation of database objects. |
PostInsertIdentifierGenerator | |
PostInsertIdentityPersister | A persister that may have an identity assigned by execution of a SQL INSERT. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractPostInsertGenerator | Basic implementation of the PostInsertIdentifierGenerator
contract. |
AbstractUUIDGenerator | The base class for identifier generators that use a UUID algorithm. |
Assigned | assigned An IdentifierGenerator that returns the current identifier assigned to an instance. |
ForeignGenerator | foreign An Identifier generator that uses the value of the id property of an associated object One mapping parameter is required: property. |
GUIDGenerator | Generates string values using the SQL Server NEWID() function. |
IdentifierGeneratorFactory | Factory and helper methods for IdentifierGenerator framework. |
IdentityGenerator | A generator for use with ANSI-SQL IDENTITY columns used as the primary key. |
IdentityGenerator.BasicDelegate | Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns where the dialect requires an additional command execution to retrieve the generated IDENTITY value |
IdentityGenerator.GetGeneratedKeysDelegate | Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns using JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys |
IdentityGenerator.InsertSelectDelegate | Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns where the dialect supports returning the generated IDENTITY value directly from the insert statement. |
IncrementGenerator | increment An IdentifierGenerator that returns a long, constructed by counting from the maximum primary key value at startup. |
MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator | A hilo IdentifierGenerator that returns a Long, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm. |
SelectGenerator | A generator that selects the just inserted row to determine the identifier value assigned by the database. |
SelectGenerator.SelectGeneratorDelegate | The delegate for the select generation strategy. |
SequenceGenerator | sequence Generates long values using an oracle-style sequence. |
SequenceHiLoGenerator | seqhilo An IdentifierGenerator that combines a hi/lo algorithm with an underlying oracle-style sequence that generates hi values. |
SequenceIdentityGenerator | A generator which combines sequence generation with immediate retrieval
through JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys . |
SequenceIdentityGenerator.Delegate | |
SequenceIdentityGenerator.NoCommentsInsert | |
TableGenerator | An IdentifierGenerator that uses a database table to store the last generated value. |
TableHiLoGenerator | hilo An IdentifierGenerator that returns a Long, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm. |
UUIDHexGenerator | uuid A UUIDGenerator that returns a string of length 32, This string will consist of only hex digits. |
Exception Summary | |
IdentifierGenerationException | Thrown by IdentifierGenerator implementation class when ID generation fails. |
This package contains internal implementation classes for the main API interfaces.