Hibernate.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapitre 18. Mapping XML

18.1. Travailler avec des données XML
18.1.1. Spécifier le mapping XML et le mapping d'une classe ensemble
18.1.2. Spécifier seulement un mapping XML
18.2. Métadonnées du mapping XML
18.3. Manipuler des données XML

XML Mapping is an experimental feature in Hibernate 3.0 and is currently under active development.

Hibernate allows you to work with persistent XML data in much the same way you work with persistent POJOs. A parsed XML tree can be thought of as another way of representing the relational data at the object level, instead of POJOs.

Hibernate supporte dom4j en tant qu'API pour la manipulation des arbres XML. Vous pouvez écrire des requêtes qui récupèrent des arbres dom4j à partie de la base de données, et avoir toutes les modifications que vous faites sur l'arbre automatiquement synchronisées dans la base de données. Vous pouvez même prendre un document XML, l'analyser en utilisant dom4j, et l'écrire dans la base de données via les opérations basiques d'Hibernate : persist(), saveOrUpdate(), merge(), delete(), replicate() (merge() n'est pas encore supporté).

Cette fonctionnalité a plusieurs applications dont l'import/export de données, l'externalisation d'entités via JMS ou SOAP et les rapports XSLT.

A single mapping can be used to simultaneously map properties of a class and nodes of an XML document to the database, or, if there is no class to map, it can be used to map just the XML.

A range of Hibernate mapping elements accept the node attribute. This lets you specify the name of an XML attribute or element that holds the property or entity data. The format of the node attribute must be one of the following:

For collections and single valued associations, there is an additional embed-xml attribute. If embed-xml="true", the default, the XML tree for the associated entity (or collection of value type) will be embedded directly in the XML tree for the entity that owns the association. Otherwise, if embed-xml="false", then only the referenced identifier value will appear in the XML for single point associations and collections will not appear at all.

Do not leave embed-xml="true" for too many associations, since XML does not deal well with circularity.

<class name="Customer" 
    <id name="id" 
    <map name="accounts" 
        <key column="CUSTOMER_ID" 
        <map-key column="SHORT_DESC" 
        <one-to-many entity-name="Account"
    <component name="name" 
        <property name="firstName" 
        <property name="initial" 
        <property name="lastName" 

In this case, the collection of account ids is embedded, but not the actual account data. The following HQL query:

from Customer c left join fetch c.accounts where c.lastName like :lastName

would return datasets such as this:

<customer id="123456789">
    <account short-desc="Savings">987632567</account>
    <account short-desc="Credit Card">985612323</account>

Si vous positionnez embed-xml="true" sur le mapping <one-to-many>, les données pourraient ressembler plus à ça :

<customer id="123456789">
    <account id="987632567" short-desc="Savings">
        <customer id="123456789"/>
    <account id="985612323" short-desc="Credit Card">
        <customer id="123456789"/>

You can also re-read and update XML documents in the application. You can do this by obtaining a dom4j session:

Document doc = ....;
Session session = factory.openSession();
Session dom4jSession = session.getSession(EntityMode.DOM4J);
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

List results = dom4jSession
    .createQuery("from Customer c left join fetch c.accounts where c.lastName like :lastName")
for ( int i=0; i<results.size(); i++ ) {
    //add the customer data to the XML document
    Element customer = (Element) results.get(i);

Session session = factory.openSession();
Session dom4jSession = session.getSession(EntityMode.DOM4J);
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

Element cust = (Element) dom4jSession.get("Customer", customerId);
for ( int i=0; i<results.size(); i++ ) {
    Element customer = (Element) results.get(i);
    //change the customer name in the XML and database
    Element name = customer.element("name");


When implementing XML-based data import/export, it is useful to combine this feature with Hibernate's replicate() operation.