Packages that use Settings | |
org.hibernate.cache | This package defines APIs/SPIs and implementations for the Hibernate second-level cache. |
org.hibernate.cache.impl | |
org.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge | |
org.hibernate.cache.infinispan | |
org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.tm | |
org.hibernate.cfg | This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. |
org.hibernate.ejb | |
org.hibernate.engine | This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. |
org.hibernate.impl | This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. |
org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl | The hbm2ddl tool. |
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.cache |
Methods in org.hibernate.cache with parameters of type Settings | |
QueryCache |
StandardQueryCacheFactory.getQueryCache(String regionName,
UpdateTimestampsCache updateTimestampsCache,
Settings settings,
Properties props)
QueryCache |
QueryCacheFactory.getQueryCache(String regionName,
UpdateTimestampsCache updateTimestampsCache,
Settings settings,
Properties props)
void |
DelegatingRegionFactory.start(Settings settings,
Properties properties)
void |
RegionFactory.start(Settings settings,
Properties properties)
Lifecycle callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation(s). |
Constructors in org.hibernate.cache with parameters of type Settings | |
StandardQueryCache(Settings settings,
Properties props,
UpdateTimestampsCache updateTimestampsCache,
String regionName)
UpdateTimestampsCache(Settings settings,
Properties props)
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.cache.impl |
Methods in org.hibernate.cache.impl with parameters of type Settings | |
void |
NoCachingRegionFactory.start(Settings settings,
Properties properties)
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge |
Fields in org.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge declared as Settings | |
protected Settings |
Methods in org.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge with parameters of type Settings | |
void |
RegionFactoryCacheProviderBridge.start(Settings settings,
Properties properties)
Constructors in org.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge with parameters of type Settings | |
BaseGeneralDataRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings)
BaseRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings)
BaseTransactionalDataRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings,
CacheDataDescription metadata)
CollectionAccessStrategyAdapter(CollectionRegion region,
CacheConcurrencyStrategy ccs,
Settings settings)
CollectionRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings,
CacheDataDescription metadata)
EntityAccessStrategyAdapter(EntityRegion region,
CacheConcurrencyStrategy ccs,
Settings settings)
EntityRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings,
CacheDataDescription metadata)
QueryResultsRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings)
TimestampsRegionAdapter(Cache underlyingCache,
Settings settings)
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan |
Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan with parameters of type Settings | |
void |
InfinispanRegionFactory.start(Settings settings,
Properties properties)
Lifecycle callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation(s). |
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.tm |
Constructors in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.tm with parameters of type Settings | |
HibernateTransactionManagerLookup(Settings settings,
Properties properties)
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.cfg |
Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return Settings | |
Settings |
Create an object-oriented view of the configuration properties |
Settings |
SettingsFactory.buildSettings(Properties props)
Settings |
Configuration.buildSettings(Properties props)
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.ejb |
Methods in org.hibernate.ejb that return Settings | |
Settings |
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.engine |
Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return Settings | |
Settings |
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.impl |
Methods in org.hibernate.impl that return Settings | |
Settings |
Constructors in org.hibernate.impl with parameters of type Settings | |
SessionFactoryImpl(Configuration cfg,
Mapping mapping,
Settings settings,
EventListeners listeners,
SessionFactoryObserver observer)
Uses of Settings in org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl |
Constructors in org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl with parameters of type Settings | |
SchemaExport(Configuration cfg,
Settings settings)
Create a schema exporter for the given Configuration and given settings |
SchemaUpdate(Configuration cfg,
Settings settings)
SchemaValidator(Configuration cfg,
Settings settings)