Interface SQLFunction

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction, AnsiTrimEmulationFunction, AnsiTrimFunction, AvgWithArgumentCastFunction, CastFunction, CharIndexFunction, ClassicAvgFunction, ClassicCountFunction, ClassicSumFunction, ConditionalParenthesisFunction, ConvertFunction, DerbyConcatFunction, NoArgSQLFunction, NvlFunction, PositionSubstringFunction, SQLFunctionTemplate, StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.AvgFunction, StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.CountFunction, StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.MaxFunction, StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.MinFunction, StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.SumFunction, StandardJDBCEscapeFunction, StandardSQLFunction, TrimFunctionTemplate, VarArgsSQLFunction

public interface SQLFunction

Provides support routines for the HQL functions as used in the various SQL Dialects Provides an interface for supporting various HQL functions that are translated to SQL. The Dialect and its sub-classes use this interface to provide details required for processing of the function.

David Channon, Steve Ebersole

Method Summary
 Type getReturnType(Type firstArgumentType, Mapping mapping)
          The return type of the function.
 boolean hasArguments()
          Does this function have any arguments?
 boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments()
          If there are no arguments, are parentheses required?
 String render(Type firstArgumentType, List arguments, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Render the function call as SQL fragment.

Method Detail


boolean hasArguments()
Does this function have any arguments?

True if the function expects to have parameters; false otherwise.


boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments()
If there are no arguments, are parentheses required?

True if a no-arg call of this function requires parentheses.


Type getReturnType(Type firstArgumentType,
                   Mapping mapping)
                   throws QueryException
The return type of the function. May be either a concrete type which is preset, or variable depending upon the type of the first function argument.

Note, the 'firstArgumentType' parameter should match the one passed into render(org.hibernate.type.Type, java.util.List, org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor)

firstArgumentType - The type of the first argument
mapping - The mapping source.
The type to be expected as a return.
QueryException - Indicates an issue resolving the return type.


String render(Type firstArgumentType,
              List arguments,
              SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
              throws QueryException
Render the function call as SQL fragment.

Note, the 'firstArgumentType' parameter should match the one passed into getReturnType(org.hibernate.type.Type, org.hibernate.engine.Mapping)

firstArgumentType - The type of the first argument
arguments - The function arguments
factory - The SessionFactory
The rendered function call
QueryException - Indicates a problem rendering the function call.

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