Package org.hibernate.type

A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types.


Interface Summary
AbstractComponentType Deprecated. in favor of CompositeType
AssociationType A type that represents some kind of association between entities.
BasicType Marker interface for basic types.
CompositeType Contract for value types to hold collections and have cascades, etc.
DiscriminatorType<T> Additional contract for a Type may be used for a discriminator.
IdentifierType<T> Additional contract for a Type may be used for a discriminator.
LiteralType<T> Additional contract for a Type that may appear as an SQL literal
PrimitiveType<T> Additional contract for primitive / primitive wrapper types.
SingleColumnType<T> Provide convenient methods for binding and extracting values for use with BasicType.
StringRepresentableType<T> Additional, optional contract for types capable of rendering and consuming their values to/from strings.
Type Defines a mapping between a Java type and one or more JDBC types, as well as describing the in-memory semantics of the given java type (how do we check it for 'dirtiness', how do we copy values, etc).
VersionType<T> Additional contract for types which may be used to version (and optimistic lock) data.
XmlRepresentableType<T> Additional, optional contract for types whose values can be represented as XML text (either as attribute or element value).

Class Summary
AbstractBynaryType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
AbstractCharArrayType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
AbstractLobType Deprecated.  
AbstractLongBinaryType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
AbstractLongStringType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<T> TODO : javadoc
AbstractStandardBasicType<T> TODO : javadoc
AbstractType Abstract superclass of the built in Type hierarchy.
AdaptedImmutableType<T> Optimize a mutable type, if the user promises not to mutable the instances.
AlternativeLobTypes<S,T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding LOB values.
AlternativeLobTypes.BlobTypes<S,T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding BLOB values.
AlternativeLobTypes.ClobTypes<S,T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding CLOB values.
AnyType Handles "any" mappings
ArrayType A type for persistent arrays.
BasicTypeRegistry A registry of BasicType instances
BigDecimalType A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigDecimal.
BigIntegerType A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigInteger.
BinaryType A type that maps between a VARBINARY and byte[]
BlobType A type that maps between BLOB and Blob
BooleanType A type that maps between BIT and Boolean
ByteArrayBlobType Deprecated. replaced by WrappedMaterializedBlobType
ByteType A type that maps between TINYINT and Byte
CalendarDateType A type mapping DATE and Calendar
CalendarType A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Calendar
CharacterArrayClobType A type that maps between CLOB and Character[]

Essentially a MaterializedClobType but represented as a Character[] in Java rather than String.

CharacterArrayType A type that maps between VARCHAR and Character[]
CharacterType A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Character
CharArrayType A type that maps between VARCHAR and char[]
CharBooleanType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
ClassType A type that maps between VARCHAR and Class
ClobType A type that maps between CLOB and Clob
CollectionType A type that handles Hibernate PersistentCollections (including arrays).
ComponentType Handles "component" mappings
CompositeCustomType Adapts CompositeUserType to the Type interface
CurrencyType A type that maps between VARCHAR and Currency
CustomCollectionType A custom type for mapping user-written classes that implement PersistentCollection
CustomType Adapts UserType to the generic Type interface, in order to isolate user code from changes in the internal Type contracts.
DateType A type that maps between DATE and Date
DbTimestampType dbtimestamp: An extension of TimestampType which maps to the database's current timestamp, rather than the jvm's current timestamp.
DoubleType A type that maps between DOUBLE and Double
EntityType Base for types which map associations to persistent entities.
EnumType Enum type mapper Try and find the appropriate SQL type depending on column metadata

TODO implements readobject/writeobject to recalculate the enumclasses

FloatType A type that maps between FLOAT and Float
ForeignKeyDirection Represents directionality of the foreign key constraint
ImageType A type that maps between LONGVARBINARY and byte[]
ImmutableType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
IntegerType A type that maps between INTEGER and @link Integer}
LobType<T> A base type used to define a LOB type; it also provides alternatives that can override this type via LobType.getAlternatives() getAlternatives()}
LocaleType A type that maps between VARCHAR and @link Locale}
LongType A type that maps between BIGINT and Long
ManyToOneType A many-to-one association to an entity.
MaterializedBlobType A type that maps between BLOB and byte[]
MaterializedClobType A type that maps between CLOB and String
MutableType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
NullableType Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
NumericBooleanType A type that maps between INTEGER and Boolean (using 1 and 0)
ObjectType Specific adaptation of the "any" type to the old deprecated "object" type
OneToOneType A one-to-one association to an entity
OrderedMapType A specialization of the map type, with (resultset-based) ordering.
OrderedSetType A specialization of the set type, with (resultset-based) ordering.
PostgresUUIDType Specialized type mapping for UUID and the Postgres UUID data type (which is mapped as OTHER in its JDBC driver).
PrimitiveByteArrayBlobType Deprecated. replaced by MaterializedBlobType
PrimitiveCharacterArrayClobType Map a char[] to a Clob
SerializableType<T extends Serializable> A type that maps between a VARBINARY and Serializable classes.
ShortType A type that maps between SMALLINT and Short
SpecialOneToOneType A one-to-one association that maps to specific formula(s) instead of the primary key column of the owning entity.
StandardBasicTypes Centralizes access to the standard set of basic types.
StringClobType Deprecated. replaced by MaterializedClobType
StringType A type that maps between VARCHAR and String
TextType A type that maps between LONGVARCHAR and String
TimestampType A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Timestamp
TimeType A type that maps between TIME and Time
TimeZoneType A type mapping VARCHAR and TimeZone
TrueFalseType A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'T' and 'F')
TypeFactory Used internally to build instances of Type, specifically it builds instances of Used internally to obtain instances of Type.
TypeHelper Collection of convenience methods relating to operations across arrays of types...
TypeResolver Acts as the contract for getting types and as the mediator between BasicTypeRegistry and TypeFactory.
UrlType A type that maps between VARCHAR and URL
UUIDBinaryType A type mapping Types.BINARY and UUID
UUIDCharType A type mapping Types.CHAR (or Types.VARCHAR) and UUID
WrappedMaterializedBlobType A type that maps JDBC BLOB and Byte[].
WrapperBinaryType A type mapping VARBINARY and Byte[]
YesNoType A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'Y' and 'N')

Exception Summary
SerializationException Thrown when a property cannot be serializaed/deserialized

Package org.hibernate.type Description

A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types.

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