Package org.hibernate.cfg

This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.


Interface Summary
ExtendedMappings Deprecated. All functionality has been moved up to Mappings
Mappings A collection of mappings from classes and collections to relational database tables.
NamingStrategy A set of rules for determining the physical column and table names given the information in the mapping document.
ObjectNameNormalizer.NamingStrategyHelper Helper contract for dealing with NamingStrategy in different situations.
ObjectNameSource Source for database object names (identifiers).
PropertyHolder Property holder abstract property containers from their direct implementation
QuerySecondPass Bind query
SecondPass Second pass operation

Class Summary
AnnotationBinder JSR 175 annotation binder which reads the annotations from classes, applies the principles of the EJB3 spec and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the classes in the org.hibernate.mapping package)
AnnotationConfiguration Deprecated. All functionality has been moved to Configuration
CollectionSecondPass Collection second pass
ComponentPropertyHolder Component implementation of property holder
Configuration An instance of Configuration allows the application to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when creating a SessionFactory.
DefaultNamingStrategy The default NamingStrategy
Ejb3Column Wrap state of an EJB3 @Column annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element
Ejb3DiscriminatorColumn Discriminator column
EJB3DTDEntityResolver Resolve JPA xsd files locally Hibernate OGM uses this class, consider this some kind of exposed service at the SPI level
Ejb3JoinColumn Wrap state of an EJB3 @JoinColumn annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element
EJB3NamingStrategy Naming strategy implementing the EJB3 standards
Environment Provides access to configuration info passed in Properties objects.
ExtendsQueueEntry Represents a mapping queued for delayed processing to await processing of an extends entity upon which it depends.
ExternalSessionFactoryConfig Defines support for various externally configurable SessionFactory(s), for example, JMX or the JCA adapter.
HbmBinder Walks an XML mapping document and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the classes in the mapping package)
ImprovedNamingStrategy An improved naming strategy that prefers embedded underscores to mixed case names
IndexColumn index column
InheritanceState Some extra data to the inheritance position of a class.
Mappings.PropertyReference Represents a property-ref mapping.
ObjectNameNormalizer Provides centralized normalization of how database object names are handled.
OneToOneSecondPass We have to handle OneToOne in a second pass because: -
PropertyHolderBuilder This factory is here ot build a PropertyHolder and prevent .mapping interface adding
PropertyInferredData Retrieve all inferred data from an annnoted element
Settings Settings that affect the behaviour of Hibernate at runtime.
SettingsFactory Reads configuration properties and builds a Settings instance.
ToOneBinder Work in progress The goal of this class is to aggregate all operations related to ToOne binding operations
ToOneFkSecondPass Enable a proper set of the FK columns in respect with the id column order Allow the correct implementation of the default EJB3 values which needs both sides of the association to be resolved
UniqueConstraintHolder UniqueConstraint annotations are handled via second pass.

Enum Summary
AccessType Enum defining different access strategies for accessing entity values.
AnnotatedClassType Type of annotation of a class will give its type
MetadataSourceType Enumeration of the types of sources of mapping metadata

Exception Summary
NotYetImplementedException Mapping not yet implemented
RecoverableException Should neven be exposed to the client An exception that wrap an underlying exception whith the hope subsequent processing will recover from it.

Package org.hibernate.cfg Description

This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.

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