Class AliasedProjection

  extended by org.hibernate.criterion.AliasedProjection
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, EnhancedProjection, Projection

public class AliasedProjection
extends Object
implements EnhancedProjection

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected AliasedProjection(Projection projection, String alias)
Method Summary
 String[] getAliases()
          Get the criteria-level aliases for this projection (ie.
 String[] getColumnAliases(int loc)
          Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery).
 String[] getColumnAliases(int loc, Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
          Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery).
 String[] getColumnAliases(String alias, int loc)
          Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery) for a particular criteria-level alias.
 String[] getColumnAliases(String alias, int loc, Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
          Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery) for a particular criteria-level alias.
 Type[] getTypes(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
          Types returned by the rendered SQL fragment.
 Type[] getTypes(String alias, Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
          Get the return types for a particular user-visible alias.
 boolean isGrouped()
          Is this projection fragment (SELECT clause) also part of the GROUP BY
 String toGroupSqlString(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
          Render the SQL fragment to be used in the GROUP BY clause
 String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, int position, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
          Render the SQL fragment to be used in the SELECT clause.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AliasedProjection(Projection projection,
                            String alias)
Method Detail


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria,
                          int position,
                          CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
                   throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Projection
Render the SQL fragment to be used in the SELECT clause.

Specified by:
toSqlString in interface Projection
criteria - The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
position - The number of columns rendered in the SELECT clause before this projection. Generally speaking this is useful to ensure uniqueness of the individual columns aliases.
criteriaQuery - The overall criteria query instance.
The SQL fragment to plug into the SELECT
HibernateException - Indicates a problem performing the rendering


public String toGroupSqlString(Criteria criteria,
                               CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
Description copied from interface: Projection
Render the SQL fragment to be used in the GROUP BY clause

Specified by:
toGroupSqlString in interface Projection
criteria - The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
criteriaQuery - The overall criteria query instance.
The SQL fragment to plug into the GROUP BY


public Type[] getTypes(Criteria criteria,
                       CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
                throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Projection
Types returned by the rendered SQL fragment. In other words what are the types that would represent the values this projection asked to be pulled into the result set?

Specified by:
getTypes in interface Projection
criteria - The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
criteriaQuery - The overall criteria query instance.
The return types.
HibernateException - Indicates a problem resolving the types


public String[] getColumnAliases(int loc)
Description copied from interface: Projection
Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery). Hibernate always uses column aliases to extract data from the JDBC ResultSet, so it is important that these be implemented correctly in order for Hibernate to be able to extract these val;ues correctly.

Specified by:
getColumnAliases in interface Projection
loc - Just as in Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery), represents the number of columns rendered prior to this projection.
The columns aliases.


public String[] getColumnAliases(int loc,
                                 Criteria criteria,
                                 CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
Description copied from interface: EnhancedProjection
Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery). Hibernate always uses column aliases to extract data from the JDBC ResultSet, so it is important that these be implemented correctly in order for Hibernate to be able to extract these val;ues correctly.

Specified by:
getColumnAliases in interface EnhancedProjection
loc - Just as in Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery), represents the number of columns rendered prior to this projection.
criteria - The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
criteriaQuery - The overall criteria query instance.
The columns aliases.


public Type[] getTypes(String alias,
                       Criteria criteria,
                       CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
                throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Projection
Get the return types for a particular user-visible alias.

Differs from Projection.getTypes(org.hibernate.Criteria, CriteriaQuery) in that here we are only interested in the types related to the given criteria-level alias.

Specified by:
getTypes in interface Projection
alias - The criteria-level alias for which to find types.
criteria - The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
criteriaQuery - The overall criteria query instance.
The return types; expected to return null if this projection does not understand this alias.
HibernateException - Indicates a problem resolving the types


public String[] getColumnAliases(String alias,
                                 int loc)
Description copied from interface: Projection
Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery) for a particular criteria-level alias.

Specified by:
getColumnAliases in interface Projection
alias - The criteria-level alias
loc - Just as in Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery), represents the number of columns rendered prior to this projection.
The columns aliases pertaining to a particular criteria-level alias; expected to return null if this projection does not understand this alias.


public String[] getColumnAliases(String alias,
                                 int loc,
                                 Criteria criteria,
                                 CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
Description copied from interface: EnhancedProjection
Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause (Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery) for a particular criteria-level alias.

Specified by:
getColumnAliases in interface EnhancedProjection
alias - The criteria-level alias
loc - Just as in Projection.toSqlString(org.hibernate.Criteria, int, org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery), represents the number of columns rendered prior to this projection.
criteria - The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
criteriaQuery - The overall criteria query instance.
The columns aliases pertaining to a particular criteria-level alias; expected to return null if this projection does not understand this alias.


public String[] getAliases()
Description copied from interface: Projection
Get the criteria-level aliases for this projection (ie. the ones that will be passed to the ResultTransformer)

Specified by:
getAliases in interface Projection
The aliases


public boolean isGrouped()
Description copied from interface: Projection
Is this projection fragment (SELECT clause) also part of the GROUP BY

Specified by:
isGrouped in interface Projection
True if the projection is also part of the GROUP BY; false otherwise.

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