Uses of Class

Packages that use Status

Uses of Status in org.hibernate.engine.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.internal with parameters of type Status
 EntityEntry StatefulPersistenceContext.addEntity(Object entity, Status status, Object[] loadedState, EntityKey entityKey, Object version, LockMode lockMode, boolean existsInDatabase, EntityPersister persister, boolean disableVersionIncrement, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched)
          Adds an entity to the internal caches.
 EntityEntry StatefulPersistenceContext.addEntry(Object entity, Status status, Object[] loadedState, Object rowId, Serializable id, Object version, LockMode lockMode, boolean existsInDatabase, EntityPersister persister, boolean disableVersionIncrement, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched)
          Generates an appropriate EntityEntry instance and adds it to the event source's internal caches.
 void StatefulPersistenceContext.setEntryStatus(EntityEntry entry, Status status)

Uses of Status in org.hibernate.engine.spi

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.spi that return Status
 Status EntityEntry.getStatus()
static Status Status.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Status[] Status.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.spi with parameters of type Status
 EntityEntry PersistenceContext.addEntity(Object entity, Status status, Object[] loadedState, EntityKey entityKey, Object version, LockMode lockMode, boolean existsInDatabase, EntityPersister persister, boolean disableVersionIncrement, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched)
          Adds an entity to the internal caches.
 EntityEntry PersistenceContext.addEntry(Object entity, Status status, Object[] loadedState, Object rowId, Serializable id, Object version, LockMode lockMode, boolean existsInDatabase, EntityPersister persister, boolean disableVersionIncrement, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched)
          Generates an appropriate EntityEntry instance and adds it to the event source's internal caches.
 void PersistenceContext.setEntryStatus(EntityEntry entry, Status status)
          Set the status of an entry
 void EntityEntry.setStatus(Status status)

Constructors in org.hibernate.engine.spi with parameters of type Status
EntityEntry(Status status, Object[] loadedState, Object rowId, Serializable id, Object version, LockMode lockMode, boolean existsInDatabase, EntityPersister persister, EntityMode entityMode, String tenantId, boolean disableVersionIncrement, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched, PersistenceContext persistenceContext)

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