Class ASTUtil

  extended by org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTUtil

public final class ASTUtil
extends Object

Provides utility methods for AST traversal and manipulation.

Nested Class Summary
static interface ASTUtil.FilterPredicate
          Filters nodes out of a tree.
static class ASTUtil.IncludePredicate
          A predicate that uses inclusion, rather than exclusion semantics.
Method Summary
static void appendSibling(antlr.collections.AST n, antlr.collections.AST s)
static List collectChildren(antlr.collections.AST root, ASTUtil.FilterPredicate predicate)
static antlr.collections.AST create(antlr.ASTFactory astFactory, int type, String text)
          Deprecated. silly
static antlr.collections.AST createBinarySubtree(antlr.ASTFactory factory, int parentType, String parentText, antlr.collections.AST child1, antlr.collections.AST child2)
          Creates a 'binary operator' subtree, given the information about the parent and the two child nodex.
static antlr.collections.AST createParent(antlr.ASTFactory factory, int parentType, String parentText, antlr.collections.AST child)
          Creates a single parent of the specified child (i.e.
static antlr.collections.AST createSibling(antlr.ASTFactory astFactory, int type, String text, antlr.collections.AST prevSibling)
          Creates a single node AST as a sibling of the passed prevSibling, taking care to reorganize the tree correctly to account for this newly created node.
static antlr.collections.AST createTree(antlr.ASTFactory factory, antlr.collections.AST[] nestedChildren)
static antlr.collections.AST findPreviousSibling(antlr.collections.AST parent, antlr.collections.AST child)
          Find the previous sibling in the parent for the given child.
static antlr.collections.AST findTypeInChildren(antlr.collections.AST parent, int type)
          Finds the first node of the specified type in the chain of children.
static Map generateTokenNameCache(Class tokenTypeInterface)
          Method to generate a map of token type names, keyed by their token type values.
static String getConstantName(Class owner, int value)
          Deprecated. Use #getTokenTypeName instead
static String getDebugString(antlr.collections.AST n)
          Returns the 'list' representation with some brackets around it for debugging.
static antlr.collections.AST getLastChild(antlr.collections.AST n)
          Returns the last direct child of 'n'.
static String getPathText(antlr.collections.AST n)
static String getTokenTypeName(Class tokenTypeInterface, int tokenType)
          Intended to retrieve the name of an AST token type based on the token type interface.
static boolean hasExactlyOneChild(antlr.collections.AST n)
static void insertChild(antlr.collections.AST parent, antlr.collections.AST child)
          Inserts the child as the first child of the parent, all other children are shifted over to the 'right'.
static antlr.collections.AST insertSibling(antlr.collections.AST node, antlr.collections.AST prevSibling)
          Inserts a node into a child subtree as a particularly positioned sibling taking care to properly reorganize the tree to account for this new addition.
static boolean isSubtreeChild(antlr.collections.AST fixture, antlr.collections.AST test)
          Determine if a given node (test) is contained anywhere in the subtree of another given node (fixture).
static void makeSiblingOfParent(antlr.collections.AST parent, antlr.collections.AST child)
          Makes the child node a sibling of the parent, reconnecting all siblings.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static antlr.collections.AST create(antlr.ASTFactory astFactory,
                                           int type,
                                           String text)
Deprecated. silly

Creates a single node AST.

TODO : this is silly, remove it...

astFactory - The factory.
type - The node type.
text - The node text.
AST - A single node tree.


public static antlr.collections.AST createSibling(antlr.ASTFactory astFactory,
                                                  int type,
                                                  String text,
                                                  antlr.collections.AST prevSibling)
Creates a single node AST as a sibling of the passed prevSibling, taking care to reorganize the tree correctly to account for this newly created node.

astFactory - The factory.
type - The node type.
text - The node text.
prevSibling - The previous sibling.
The created AST node.


public static antlr.collections.AST insertSibling(antlr.collections.AST node,
                                                  antlr.collections.AST prevSibling)
Inserts a node into a child subtree as a particularly positioned sibling taking care to properly reorganize the tree to account for this new addition.

node - The node to insert
prevSibling - The previous node at the sibling position where we want this node inserted.
The return is the same as the node parameter passed in.


public static antlr.collections.AST createBinarySubtree(antlr.ASTFactory factory,
                                                        int parentType,
                                                        String parentText,
                                                        antlr.collections.AST child1,
                                                        antlr.collections.AST child2)
Creates a 'binary operator' subtree, given the information about the parent and the two child nodex.

factory - The AST factory.
parentType - The type of the parent node.
parentText - The text of the parent node.
child1 - The first child.
child2 - The second child.
AST - A new sub-tree of the form "(parent child1 child2)"


public static antlr.collections.AST createParent(antlr.ASTFactory factory,
                                                 int parentType,
                                                 String parentText,
                                                 antlr.collections.AST child)
Creates a single parent of the specified child (i.e. a 'unary operator' subtree).

factory - The AST factory.
parentType - The type of the parent node.
parentText - The text of the parent node.
child - The child.
AST - A new sub-tree of the form "(parent child)"


public static antlr.collections.AST createTree(antlr.ASTFactory factory,
                                               antlr.collections.AST[] nestedChildren)


public static boolean isSubtreeChild(antlr.collections.AST fixture,
                                     antlr.collections.AST test)
Determine if a given node (test) is contained anywhere in the subtree of another given node (fixture).

fixture - The node against which to testto be checked for children.
test - The node to be tested as being a subtree child of the parent.
True if child is contained in the parent's collection of children.


public static antlr.collections.AST findTypeInChildren(antlr.collections.AST parent,
                                                       int type)
Finds the first node of the specified type in the chain of children.

parent - The parent
type - The type to find.
The first node of the specified type, or null if not found.


public static antlr.collections.AST getLastChild(antlr.collections.AST n)
Returns the last direct child of 'n'.

n - The parent
The last direct child of 'n'.


public static String getDebugString(antlr.collections.AST n)
Returns the 'list' representation with some brackets around it for debugging.

n - The tree.
The list representation of the tree.


public static antlr.collections.AST findPreviousSibling(antlr.collections.AST parent,
                                                        antlr.collections.AST child)
Find the previous sibling in the parent for the given child.

parent - the parent node
child - the child to find the previous sibling of
the previous sibling of the child


public static void makeSiblingOfParent(antlr.collections.AST parent,
                                       antlr.collections.AST child)
Makes the child node a sibling of the parent, reconnecting all siblings.

parent - the parent
child - the child


public static String getPathText(antlr.collections.AST n)


public static boolean hasExactlyOneChild(antlr.collections.AST n)


public static void appendSibling(antlr.collections.AST n,
                                 antlr.collections.AST s)


public static void insertChild(antlr.collections.AST parent,
                               antlr.collections.AST child)
Inserts the child as the first child of the parent, all other children are shifted over to the 'right'.

parent - the parent
child - the new first child


public static List collectChildren(antlr.collections.AST root,
                                   ASTUtil.FilterPredicate predicate)


public static Map generateTokenNameCache(Class tokenTypeInterface)
Method to generate a map of token type names, keyed by their token type values.

tokenTypeInterface - The *TokenTypes interface (or implementor of said interface).
The generated map.


public static String getConstantName(Class owner,
                                     int value)
Deprecated. Use #getTokenTypeName instead

Get the name of a constant defined on the given class which has the given value.

Note, if multiple constants have this value, the first will be returned which is known to be different on different JVM implementations.

owner - The class which defines the constant
value - The value of the constant.
The token type name, *or* the integer value if the name could not be found.


public static String getTokenTypeName(Class tokenTypeInterface,
                                      int tokenType)
Intended to retrieve the name of an AST token type based on the token type interface. However, this method can be used to look up the name of any constant defined on a class/interface based on the constant value. Note that if multiple constants have this value, the first will be returned which is known to be different on different JVM implementations.

tokenTypeInterface - The *TokenTypes interface (or one of its implementors).
tokenType - The token type value.
The corresponding name.

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