Class CollectionType

  extended by org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
      extended by org.hibernate.type.CollectionType
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AssociationType, Type
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayType, BagType, CustomCollectionType, IdentifierBagType, ListType, MapType, SetType

public abstract class CollectionType
extends AbstractType
implements AssociationType

A type that handles Hibernate PersistentCollections (including arrays).

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
Constructor Summary
CollectionType(TypeFactory.TypeScope typeScope, String role, String foreignKeyPropertyName)
CollectionType(TypeFactory.TypeScope typeScope, String role, String foreignKeyPropertyName, boolean isEmbeddedInXML)
          Deprecated. Use CollectionType(TypeFactory.TypeScope, String, String) instead See Jira issue: HHH-7771
Method Summary
 Object assemble(Serializable cached, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          Reconstruct the object from its disassembled state.
 int compare(Object x, Object y)
          Perform a Comparator style comparison between values
 boolean contains(Object collection, Object childObject, SessionImplementor session)
 Object deepCopy(Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Return a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at collections.
 Size[] defaultSizes(Mapping mapping)
          Defines the column sizes to use according to this type if the user did not explicitly say (and if no Type.dictatedSizes(org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping) were given).
 Size[] dictatedSizes(Mapping mapping)
          Return the column sizes dictated by this type.
 Serializable disassemble(Object value, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          Return a disassembled representation of the object.
 Object fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
          Parse the XML representation of an instance.
 String getAssociatedEntityName(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Get the entity name of the associated entity
 Joinable getAssociatedJoinable(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Get the "persister" for this association - a class or collection persister
 Object getCollection(Serializable key, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          instantiate a collection wrapper (called when loading an object)
 int getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
          How many columns are used to persist this type.
protected  Iterator getElementsIterator(Object collection)
          Get an iterator over the element set of the collection in POJO mode
 Iterator getElementsIterator(Object collection, SessionImplementor session)
          Get an iterator over the element set of the collection, which may not yet be wrapped
 Type getElementType(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Get the Hibernate type of the collection elements
 ForeignKeyDirection getForeignKeyDirection()
          Get the foreign key directionality of this association
 int getHashCode(Object x)
          Get a hash code, consistent with persistence "equality".
 Serializable getIdOfOwnerOrNull(Serializable key, SessionImplementor session)
          Get the id value from the owning entity key, usually the same as the key, but might be some other property, in the case of property-ref
 Serializable getKeyOfOwner(Object owner, SessionImplementor session)
          Get the key value from the owning entity instance, usually the identifier, but might be some other unique key, in the case of property-ref
 String getLHSPropertyName()
          Get the name of a property in the owning entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier)
 String getName()
          Returns the abbreviated name of the type.
 String getOnCondition(String alias, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Map enabledFilters)
          Get the "filtering" SQL fragment that is applied in the SQL on clause, in addition to the usual join condition
 String getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName()
          The name of a unique property of the associated entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier of an entity, or key of a collection)
 String getRole()
 boolean hasHolder()
 Object hydrate(ResultSet rs, String[] name, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          Extract a value from the JDBC result set.
 Object indexOf(Object collection, Object element)
protected  boolean initializeImmediately()
abstract  Object instantiate(int anticipatedSize)
          Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e.
abstract  PersistentCollection instantiate(SessionImplementor session, CollectionPersister persister, Serializable key)
          Instantiate an uninitialized collection wrapper or holder.
protected  Object instantiateResult(Object original)
          Instantiate a new "underlying" collection exhibiting the same capacity charactersitcs and the passed "original".
 boolean isAlwaysDirtyChecked()
          We always need to dirty check the collection because we sometimes need to incremement version number of owner and also because of how assemble/disassemble is implemented for uks
 boolean isArrayType()
 boolean isAssociationType()
          Note: return true because this type is castable to AssociationType.
 boolean isCollectionType()
          Return true if the implementation is castable to CollectionType.
 boolean isDirty(Object old, Object current, boolean[] checkable, SessionImplementor session)
          Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current value?
 boolean isDirty(Object old, Object current, SessionImplementor session)
          Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current value?
 boolean isEmbeddedInXML()
 boolean isEqual(Object x, Object y)
          Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality" (equality of persistent state).
 boolean isModified(Object old, Object current, boolean[] checkable, SessionImplementor session)
          Has the value been modified compared to the current database state? The difference between this and the Type.isDirty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor) methods is that here we need to account for "partially" built values.
 boolean isMutable()
          Are objects of this type mutable.
 boolean isXMLElement()
 Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] name, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          Extract a value of the mapped class from the JDBC result set.
 Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String name, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          Extract a value of the mapped class from the JDBC result set.
 void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, boolean[] settable, SessionImplementor session)
          Bind a value represented by an instance of the mapped class to the JDBC prepared statement, ignoring some columns as dictated by the 'settable' parameter.
 void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session)
          Bind a value represented by an instance of the mapped class to the JDBC prepared statement.
protected  String renderLoggableString(Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
 Object replace(Object original, Object target, SessionImplementor session, Object owner, Map copyCache)
          During merge, replace the existing (target) value in the entity we are merging to with a new (original) value from the detached entity we are merging.
 Object replaceElements(Object original, Object target, Object owner, Map copyCache, SessionImplementor session)
          Replace the elements of a collection with the elements of another collection.
 Object resolve(Object value, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          The second phase of 2-phase loading.
 Object semiResolve(Object value, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
          Given a hydrated, but unresolved value, return a value that may be used to reconstruct property-ref associations.
 void setToXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node node, Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          A representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element.
 int[] sqlTypes(Mapping session)
          Return the JDBC types codes (per Types) for the columns mapped by this type.
 boolean[] toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
          Given an instance of the type, return an array of boolean, indicating which mapped columns would be null.
 String toLoggableString(Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Generate a representation of the value for logging purposes.
 String toString()
 boolean useLHSPrimaryKey()
          Is the primary key of the owning entity table to be used in the join?
abstract  PersistentCollection wrap(SessionImplementor session, Object collection)
          Wrap the naked collection instance in a wrapper, or instantiate a holder.
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
beforeAssemble, getHashCode, getSemiResolvedType, isAnyType, isComponentType, isEntityType, isEqual, isSame, replace, replaceNode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.type.Type
beforeAssemble, getHashCode, getReturnedClass, getSemiResolvedType, isAnyType, isComponentType, isEntityType, isEqual, isSame, replace

Field Detail


public static final Object UNFETCHED_COLLECTION
Constructor Detail


public CollectionType(TypeFactory.TypeScope typeScope,
                                 String role,
                                 String foreignKeyPropertyName,
                                 boolean isEmbeddedInXML)
Deprecated. Use CollectionType(TypeFactory.TypeScope, String, String) instead See Jira issue: HHH-7771


public CollectionType(TypeFactory.TypeScope typeScope,
                      String role,
                      String foreignKeyPropertyName)
Method Detail


public boolean isEmbeddedInXML()
Specified by:
isEmbeddedInXML in interface AssociationType


public String getRole()


public Object indexOf(Object collection,
                      Object element)


public boolean contains(Object collection,
                        Object childObject,
                        SessionImplementor session)


public boolean isCollectionType()
Description copied from interface: Type
Return true if the implementation is castable to CollectionType. Essentially a polymorphic version of (type instanceof CollectionType.class)

A CollectionType is additionally an AssociationType; so if this method returns true, Type.isAssociationType() should also return true.

Specified by:
isCollectionType in interface Type
isCollectionType in class AbstractType
True if this type is also an CollectionType implementor; false otherwise.


public final boolean isEqual(Object x,
                             Object y)
Description copied from interface: Type
Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality" (equality of persistent state).

This should always equate to some form of comparison of the value's internal state. As an example, for something like a date the comparison should be based on its internal "time" state based on the specific portion it is meant to represent (timestamp, date, time).

Specified by:
isEqual in interface Type
isEqual in class AbstractType
x - The first value
y - The second value
True if there are considered equal (see discussion above).


public int compare(Object x,
                   Object y)
Description copied from interface: Type
Perform a Comparator style comparison between values

Specified by:
compare in interface Type
compare in class AbstractType
x - The first value
y - The second value
The comparison result. See, T) for a discussion.


public int getHashCode(Object x)
Description copied from interface: Type
Get a hash code, consistent with persistence "equality". Again for most types the normal usage is to delegate to the value's hashCode.

Specified by:
getHashCode in interface Type
getHashCode in class AbstractType
x - The value for which to retrieve a hash code
The hash code


public abstract PersistentCollection instantiate(SessionImplementor session,
                                                 CollectionPersister persister,
                                                 Serializable key)
Instantiate an uninitialized collection wrapper or holder. Callers MUST add the holder to the persistence context!

session - The session from which the request is originating.
persister - The underlying collection persister (metadata)
key - The owner key.
The instantiated collection.


public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs,
                          String name,
                          SessionImplementor session,
                          Object owner)
                   throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: Type
Extract a value of the mapped class from the JDBC result set. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. This form might be called if the type is known to be a single-column type.

Specified by:
nullSafeGet in interface Type
rs - The result set from which to extract value.
name - the column name making up this type value (use to read from result set)
session - The originating session
owner - the parent entity
The extracted value
SQLException - An error from the JDBC driver


public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs,
                          String[] name,
                          SessionImplementor session,
                          Object owner)
                   throws HibernateException,
Description copied from interface: Type
Extract a value of the mapped class from the JDBC result set. Implementors should handle possibility of null values.

Specified by:
nullSafeGet in interface Type
rs - The result set from which to extract value.
name - the column names making up this type value (use to read from result set)
session - The originating session
owner - the parent entity
The extracted value
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate
SQLException - An error from the JDBC driver
See Also:
alternative, 2-phase property initialization


public final void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st,
                              Object value,
                              int index,
                              boolean[] settable,
                              SessionImplementor session)
                       throws HibernateException,
Description copied from interface: Type
Bind a value represented by an instance of the mapped class to the JDBC prepared statement, ignoring some columns as dictated by the 'settable' parameter. Implementors should handle the possibility of null values. A multi-column type should bind parameters starting from index.

Specified by:
nullSafeSet in interface Type
st - The JDBC prepared statement to which to bind
value - the object to write
index - starting parameter bind index
settable - an array indicating which columns to bind/ignore
session - The originating session
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate
SQLException - An error from the JDBC driver


public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st,
                        Object value,
                        int index,
                        SessionImplementor session)
                 throws HibernateException,
Description copied from interface: Type
Bind a value represented by an instance of the mapped class to the JDBC prepared statement. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should bind parameters starting from index.

Specified by:
nullSafeSet in interface Type
st - The JDBC prepared statement to which to bind
value - the object to write
index - starting parameter bind index
session - The originating session
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate
SQLException - An error from the JDBC driver


public int[] sqlTypes(Mapping session)
               throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: Type
Return the JDBC types codes (per Types) for the columns mapped by this type.

NOTE: The number of elements in this array matches the return from Type.getColumnSpan(org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping).

Specified by:
sqlTypes in interface Type
session - The mapping object :/
The JDBC type codes.
MappingException - Generally indicates an issue accessing the passed mapping object.


public Size[] dictatedSizes(Mapping mapping)
                     throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: Type
Return the column sizes dictated by this type. For example, the mapping for a char/Character would have a dictated length limit of 1; for a string-based UUID would have a size limit of 36; etc.

NOTE: The number of elements in this array matches the return from Type.getColumnSpan(org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping).

Specified by:
dictatedSizes in interface Type
mapping - The mapping object :/
The dictated sizes.
MappingException - Generally indicates an issue accessing the passed mapping object.


public Size[] defaultSizes(Mapping mapping)
                    throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: Type
Defines the column sizes to use according to this type if the user did not explicitly say (and if no Type.dictatedSizes(org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping) were given).

NOTE: The number of elements in this array matches the return from Type.getColumnSpan(org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping).

Specified by:
defaultSizes in interface Type
mapping - The mapping object :/
The default sizes.
MappingException - Generally indicates an issue accessing the passed mapping object.


public int getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
                  throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: Type
How many columns are used to persist this type. Always the same as sqlTypes(mapping).length

Specified by:
getColumnSpan in interface Type
session - The mapping object :/
The number of columns
MappingException - Generally indicates an issue accessing the passed mapping object.


public String toLoggableString(Object value,
                               SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                        throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Generate a representation of the value for logging purposes.

Specified by:
toLoggableString in interface Type
value - The value to be logged
factory - The session factory
The loggable representation
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


protected String renderLoggableString(Object value,
                                      SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                               throws HibernateException


public Object deepCopy(Object value,
                       SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Return a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at collections.

Specified by:
deepCopy in interface Type
value - The value to be copied
factory - The session factory
The deep copy
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public String getName()
Description copied from interface: Type
Returns the abbreviated name of the type.

Specified by:
getName in interface Type
String the Hibernate type name


public Iterator getElementsIterator(Object collection,
                                    SessionImplementor session)
Get an iterator over the element set of the collection, which may not yet be wrapped

collection - The collection to be iterated
session - The session from which the request is originating.
The iterator.


protected Iterator getElementsIterator(Object collection)
Get an iterator over the element set of the collection in POJO mode

collection - The collection to be iterated
The iterator.


public boolean isMutable()
Description copied from interface: Type
Are objects of this type mutable. (With respect to the referencing object ... entities and collections are considered immutable because they manage their own internal state.)

Specified by:
isMutable in interface Type


public Serializable disassemble(Object value,
                                SessionImplementor session,
                                Object owner)
                         throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Return a disassembled representation of the object. This is the value Hibernate will use in second level caching, so care should be taken to break values down to their simplest forms; for entities especially, this means breaking them down into their constituent parts.

Specified by:
disassemble in interface Type
disassemble in class AbstractType
value - the value to cache
session - the originating session
owner - optional parent entity object (needed for collections)
the disassembled, deep cloned state
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public Object assemble(Serializable cached,
                       SessionImplementor session,
                       Object owner)
                throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Reconstruct the object from its disassembled state. This method is the reciprocal of Type.disassemble(java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor, java.lang.Object)

Specified by:
assemble in interface Type
assemble in class AbstractType
cached - the disassembled state from the cache
session - the originating session
owner - the parent entity object
the (re)assembled object
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public boolean isDirty(Object old,
                       Object current,
                       SessionImplementor session)
                throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current value?

Specified by:
isDirty in interface Type
isDirty in class AbstractType
old - the old value
current - the current value
session - The session from which the request originated.
true if the field is dirty
HibernateException - A problem occurred performing the checking


public boolean isDirty(Object old,
                       Object current,
                       boolean[] checkable,
                       SessionImplementor session)
                throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current value?

Specified by:
isDirty in interface Type
old - the old value
current - the current value
checkable - An array of booleans indicating which columns making up the value are actually checkable
session - The session from which the request originated.
true if the field is dirty
HibernateException - A problem occurred performing the checking


public abstract PersistentCollection wrap(SessionImplementor session,
                                          Object collection)
Wrap the naked collection instance in a wrapper, or instantiate a holder. Callers MUST add the holder to the persistence context!

session - The session from which the request is originating.
collection - The bare collection to be wrapped.
The wrapped collection.


public boolean isAssociationType()
Note: return true because this type is castable to AssociationType. Not because all collections are associations.

Specified by:
isAssociationType in interface Type
isAssociationType in class AbstractType
True if this type is also an AssociationType implementor; false otherwise.


public ForeignKeyDirection getForeignKeyDirection()
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
Get the foreign key directionality of this association

Specified by:
getForeignKeyDirection in interface AssociationType


public Serializable getKeyOfOwner(Object owner,
                                  SessionImplementor session)
Get the key value from the owning entity instance, usually the identifier, but might be some other unique key, in the case of property-ref

owner - The collection owner
session - The session from which the request is originating.
The collection owner's key


public Serializable getIdOfOwnerOrNull(Serializable key,
                                       SessionImplementor session)
Get the id value from the owning entity key, usually the same as the key, but might be some other property, in the case of property-ref

key - The collection owner key
session - The session from which the request is originating.
The collection owner's id, if it can be obtained from the key; otherwise, null is returned


public Object hydrate(ResultSet rs,
                      String[] name,
                      SessionImplementor session,
                      Object owner)
Description copied from interface: Type
Extract a value from the JDBC result set. This is useful for 2-phase property initialization - the second phase is a call to Type.resolve(java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor, java.lang.Object) This hydrated value will be either:

Specified by:
hydrate in interface Type
hydrate in class AbstractType
rs - The JDBC result set
name - the column names making up this type value (use to read from result set)
session - The originating session
owner - the parent entity
An entity or collection key, or an actual value.
See Also:
Type.resolve(java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor, java.lang.Object)


public Object resolve(Object value,
                      SessionImplementor session,
                      Object owner)
               throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
The second phase of 2-phase loading. Only really pertinent for entities and collections. Here we resolve the identifier to an entity or collection instance

Specified by:
resolve in interface Type
resolve in class AbstractType
value - an identifier or value returned by hydrate()
session - the session
owner - the parent entity
the given value, or the value associated with the identifier
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate
See Also:
Type.hydrate(java.sql.ResultSet, java.lang.String[], org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor, java.lang.Object)


public Object semiResolve(Object value,
                          SessionImplementor session,
                          Object owner)
                   throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Given a hydrated, but unresolved value, return a value that may be used to reconstruct property-ref associations.

Specified by:
semiResolve in interface Type
semiResolve in class AbstractType
value - The unresolved, hydrated value
session - THe originating session
owner - The value owner
The semi-resolved value
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public boolean isArrayType()


public boolean useLHSPrimaryKey()
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
Is the primary key of the owning entity table to be used in the join?

Specified by:
useLHSPrimaryKey in interface AssociationType


public String getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName()
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
The name of a unique property of the associated entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier of an entity, or key of a collection)

Specified by:
getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName in interface AssociationType


public Joinable getAssociatedJoinable(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                               throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
Get the "persister" for this association - a class or collection persister

Specified by:
getAssociatedJoinable in interface AssociationType


public boolean isModified(Object old,
                          Object current,
                          boolean[] checkable,
                          SessionImplementor session)
                   throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Has the value been modified compared to the current database state? The difference between this and the Type.isDirty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor) methods is that here we need to account for "partially" built values. This is really only an issue with association types. For most type implementations it is enough to simply delegate to Type.isDirty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor) here/

Specified by:
isModified in interface Type
isModified in class AbstractType
old - the database state, in a "hydrated" form, with identifiers unresolved
current - the current state of the object
checkable - which columns are actually updatable
session - The session from which the request originated.
true if the field has been modified
HibernateException - A problem occurred performing the checking


public String getAssociatedEntityName(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                               throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
Get the entity name of the associated entity

Specified by:
getAssociatedEntityName in interface AssociationType


public Object replaceElements(Object original,
                              Object target,
                              Object owner,
                              Map copyCache,
                              SessionImplementor session)
Replace the elements of a collection with the elements of another collection.

original - The 'source' of the replacement elements (where we copy from)
target - The target of the replacement elements (where we copy to)
owner - The owner of the collection being merged
copyCache - The map of elements already replaced.
session - The session from which the merge event originated.
The merged collection.


protected Object instantiateResult(Object original)
Instantiate a new "underlying" collection exhibiting the same capacity charactersitcs and the passed "original".

original - The original collection.
The newly instantiated collection.


public abstract Object instantiate(int anticipatedSize)
Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e. accounting for initial capacity and perhaps load factor).

anticipatedSize - The anticipated size of the instaniated collection after we are done populating it.
A newly instantiated collection to be wrapped.


public Object replace(Object original,
                      Object target,
                      SessionImplementor session,
                      Object owner,
                      Map copyCache)
               throws HibernateException
During merge, replace the existing (target) value in the entity we are merging to with a new (original) value from the detached entity we are merging. For immutable objects, or null values, it is safe to simply return the first parameter. For mutable objects, it is safe to return a copy of the first parameter. For objects with component values, it might make sense to recursively replace component values.

Specified by:
replace in interface Type
original - the value from the detached entity being merged
target - the value in the managed entity
session - The originating session
owner - The owner of the value
copyCache - The cache of already copied/replaced values
the value to be merged
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public final Type getElementType(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                          throws MappingException
Get the Hibernate type of the collection elements

factory - The session factory.
The type of the collection elements
MappingException - Indicates the underlying persister could not be located.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public String getOnCondition(String alias,
                             SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
                             Map enabledFilters)
                      throws MappingException
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
Get the "filtering" SQL fragment that is applied in the SQL on clause, in addition to the usual join condition

Specified by:
getOnCondition in interface AssociationType


public Object getCollection(Serializable key,
                            SessionImplementor session,
                            Object owner)
instantiate a collection wrapper (called when loading an object)

key - The collection owner key
session - The session from which the request is originating.
owner - The collection owner
The collection


public boolean hasHolder()


protected boolean initializeImmediately()


public String getLHSPropertyName()
Description copied from interface: AssociationType
Get the name of a property in the owning entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier)

Specified by:
getLHSPropertyName in interface AssociationType


public boolean isXMLElement()
Specified by:
isXMLElement in interface Type
isXMLElement in class AbstractType


public Object fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml,
                          Mapping factory)
                   throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
Parse the XML representation of an instance.

Specified by:
fromXMLNode in interface Type
xml - The XML node from which to read the value
factory - The session factory
an instance of the mapped class
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public void setToXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node node,
                         Object value,
                         SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
                  throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: Type
A representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element.

Specified by:
setToXMLNode in interface Type
node - The XML node to which to write the value
value - The value to write
factory - The session factory
HibernateException - An error from Hibernate


public boolean isAlwaysDirtyChecked()
We always need to dirty check the collection because we sometimes need to incremement version number of owner and also because of how assemble/disassemble is implemented for uks

Specified by:
isAlwaysDirtyChecked in interface AssociationType


public boolean[] toColumnNullness(Object value,
                                  Mapping mapping)
Description copied from interface: Type
Given an instance of the type, return an array of boolean, indicating which mapped columns would be null.

Specified by:
toColumnNullness in interface Type
value - an instance of the type
mapping - The mapping abstraction
array indicating column nullness for a value instance

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