Annotation Type AnyMetaDef

public @interface AnyMetaDef

Defines @Any and @manyToAny metadata

Required Element Summary
 String idType
          Hibernate type of the id column
 String metaType
          meta discriminator Hibernate type
 MetaValue[] metaValues
          Matching discriminator values with their respective entity
Optional Element Summary
 String name
          If defined, assign a global meta definition name to be used in an @Any or @ManyToAny annotation If not defined, the metadata applies to the current property or field

Element Detail


public abstract String metaType
meta discriminator Hibernate type


public abstract String idType
Hibernate type of the id column

Hibernate type of the id column


public abstract MetaValue[] metaValues
Matching discriminator values with their respective entity


public abstract String name
If defined, assign a global meta definition name to be used in an @Any or @ManyToAny annotation If not defined, the metadata applies to the current property or field


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