Interface NamingStrategyDelegate

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
HbmNamingStrategyDelegate, JpaNamingStrategyDelegate, LegacyHbmNamingStrategyDelegate, LegacyJpaNamingStrategyDelegate, LegacyNamingStrategyDelegateAdapter, NamingStrategyDelegateAdapter

public interface NamingStrategyDelegate


Method Summary
 String determineImplicitElementCollectionJoinColumnName(String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String referencedColumnName, String propertyPath)
          Determine the name of the join column in a collection table for a collection of (non-entity) values when a name is not explicitly configured.
 String determineImplicitElementCollectionTableName(String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String propertyPath)
          Determine the name of a collection table for a collection of (non-entity) values when a name is not explicitly configured.
 String determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinColumnName(String propertyEntityName, String propertyJpaEntityName, String propertyTableName, String referencedColumnName, String propertyPath)
          Determine the name of join column for an entity (singular or plural) association when a name is not explicitly configured.
 String determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinTableName(String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String associatedEntityName, String associatedJpaEntityName, String associatedEntityTable, String propertyPath)
          Determine the name of the join table for an entity (singular or plural) association when a name is not explicitly configured.
 String determineImplicitPrimaryTableName(String entityName, String jpaEntityName)
          Determine the name of a entity's primary table when a name is not explicitly configured.
 String determineImplicitPropertyColumnName(String propertyPath)
          Determine the name of a property's column when a name is not explicitly configured.
 String determineLogicalCollectionColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName, String referencedColumn)
 String determineLogicalColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName)
 String determineLogicalElementCollectionTableName(String tableName, String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String propertyName)
 String determineLogicalEntityAssociationJoinTableName(String tableName, String ownerEntityName, String ownerJpaEntityName, String ownerEntityTable, String associatedEntityName, String associatedJpaEntityName, String associatedEntityTable, String propertyName)
 String toPhysicalColumnName(String columnName)
          Alter the column name given in the mapping document
 String toPhysicalJoinKeyColumnName(String joinedColumn, String joinedTable)
 String toPhysicalTableName(String tableName)
          Alter the table name given in the mapping document

Method Detail


String determineImplicitPrimaryTableName(String entityName,
                                         String jpaEntityName)
Determine the name of a entity's primary table when a name is not explicitly configured.

entityName - The fully qualified entity name
jpaEntityName - The entity name provided by the Entity name attribute; or, if not mapped in this way, then the unqualified entity name.
The implicit table name.


String determineImplicitPropertyColumnName(String propertyPath)
Determine the name of a property's column when a name is not explicitly configured.

propertyPath - The property path (not qualified by the entity name)
The implicit column name.


String determineImplicitElementCollectionTableName(String ownerEntityName,
                                                   String ownerJpaEntityName,
                                                   String ownerEntityTable,
                                                   String propertyPath)
Determine the name of a collection table for a collection of (non-entity) values when a name is not explicitly configured.

ownerEntityName - The fully qualified entity name for the entity that owns the collection.
ownerJpaEntityName - The entity name provided by the Entity name attribute for the entity that owns the collection; or, if not mapped in this way, then the unqualified owner entity name.
ownerEntityTable - The owner entity's physical primary table name;
propertyPath - The property path (not qualified by the entity name),
The implicit table name.


String determineImplicitElementCollectionJoinColumnName(String ownerEntityName,
                                                        String ownerJpaEntityName,
                                                        String ownerEntityTable,
                                                        String referencedColumnName,
                                                        String propertyPath)
Determine the name of the join column in a collection table for a collection of (non-entity) values when a name is not explicitly configured.

ownerEntityName - The fully qualified name of the entity that owns the collection.
ownerJpaEntityName - The entity name provided by the Entity name attribute for the entity that owns the collection; or, if not mapped in this way, then the unqualified entity name.
ownerEntityTable - The owner entity's physical primary table name;
referencedColumnName - The physical name of the column that the join column references.
propertyPath - The property path (not qualified by the entity name),
The implicit column name.


String determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinTableName(String ownerEntityName,
                                                       String ownerJpaEntityName,
                                                       String ownerEntityTable,
                                                       String associatedEntityName,
                                                       String associatedJpaEntityName,
                                                       String associatedEntityTable,
                                                       String propertyPath)
Determine the name of the join table for an entity (singular or plural) association when a name is not explicitly configured.

ownerEntityName - The fully qualified name of the entity that owns the association;.
ownerJpaEntityName - The entity name provided by the Entity name attribute for the entity that owns the association; or, if not mapped in this way, then the unqualified owner entity name.
ownerEntityTable - The owner entity's physical primary table name;
associatedEntityName - The fully qualified name of the associated entity.
associatedJpaEntityName - The entity name provided by the Entity name attribute for the associated entity; or, if not mapped in this way, then the unqualified associated entity name.
associatedEntityTable - The associated entity's physical primary table name;
propertyPath - The property path (not qualified by the entity name),
The implicit table name.


String determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinColumnName(String propertyEntityName,
                                                        String propertyJpaEntityName,
                                                        String propertyTableName,
                                                        String referencedColumnName,
                                                        String propertyPath)
Determine the name of join column for an entity (singular or plural) association when a name is not explicitly configured.

propertyEntityName - The fully qualified name of the entity that contains the association;
propertyJpaEntityName - The entity name provided by the Entity name attribute for the entity that contains the association; or, if not mapped in this way, then the unqualified entity name.
propertyTableName - The physical primary table name for the entity that contains the association.
referencedColumnName - The physical name of the column that the join column references.
propertyPath - The property path (not qualified by the entity name),
The implicit table name.


String toPhysicalJoinKeyColumnName(String joinedColumn,
                                   String joinedTable)


String determineLogicalColumnName(String columnName,
                                  String propertyName)


String determineLogicalElementCollectionTableName(String tableName,
                                                  String ownerEntityName,
                                                  String ownerJpaEntityName,
                                                  String ownerEntityTable,
                                                  String propertyName)


String determineLogicalEntityAssociationJoinTableName(String tableName,
                                                      String ownerEntityName,
                                                      String ownerJpaEntityName,
                                                      String ownerEntityTable,
                                                      String associatedEntityName,
                                                      String associatedJpaEntityName,
                                                      String associatedEntityTable,
                                                      String propertyName)


String determineLogicalCollectionColumnName(String columnName,
                                            String propertyName,
                                            String referencedColumn)


String toPhysicalTableName(String tableName)
Alter the table name given in the mapping document

tableName - a table name
a table name


String toPhysicalColumnName(String columnName)
Alter the column name given in the mapping document

columnName - a column name
a column name

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