Interface Summary | |
ColumnAliasExtractor | Strategy for extracting the unique column alias out of a ResultSetMetaData . |
LobMergeStrategy | Strategy for how dialects need LOB values to be merged. |
Class Summary | |
Cache71Dialect | Caché 2007.1 dialect. |
CUBRIDDialect | An SQL dialect for CUBRID (8.3.x and later). |
DataDirectOracle9Dialect | |
DB2390Dialect | An SQL dialect for DB2/390. |
DB2400Dialect | An SQL dialect for DB2/400. |
DB2Dialect | An SQL dialect for DB2. |
DerbyDialect | Deprecated. HHH-6073 |
DerbyTenFiveDialect | Hibernate Dialect for Cloudscape 10 - aka Derby. |
DerbyTenSevenDialect | |
DerbyTenSixDialect | Hibernate Dialect for Cloudscape 10 - aka Derby. |
Dialect | Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS. |
FirebirdDialect | An SQL dialect for Firebird. |
FrontBaseDialect | An SQL Dialect for Frontbase. |
H2Dialect | A dialect compatible with the H2 database. |
HSQLDialect | An SQL dialect compatible with HSQLDB (HyperSQL). |
HSQLDialect.ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy | |
InformixDialect | Informix dialect. Seems to work with Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD3, Informix JDBC driver version 2.21JC3. |
Ingres10Dialect | A SQL dialect for Ingres 10 and later versions. |
Ingres9Dialect | A SQL dialect for Ingres 9.3 and later versions. |
IngresDialect | An SQL dialect for Ingres 9.2. |
InterbaseDialect | An SQL dialect for Interbase. |
JDataStoreDialect | A Dialect for JDataStore. |
MckoiDialect | An SQL dialect compatible with McKoi SQL |
MimerSQLDialect | An Hibernate 3 SQL dialect for Mimer SQL. |
MySQL57InnoDBDialect | |
MySQL5Dialect | An SQL dialect for MySQL 5.x specific features. |
MySQL5InnoDBDialect | |
MySQLDialect | An SQL dialect for MySQL (prior to 5.x). |
MySQLInnoDBDialect | |
MySQLMyISAMDialect | |
Oracle10gDialect | A dialect specifically for use with Oracle 10g. |
Oracle8iDialect | A dialect for Oracle 8i. |
Oracle9Dialect | Deprecated. Use either Oracle9iDialect or Oracle10gDialect instead |
Oracle9iDialect | A dialect for Oracle 9i databases. |
OracleDialect | Deprecated. Use Oracle8iDialect instead. |
PointbaseDialect | A Dialect for Pointbase. |
PostgresPlusDialect | An SQL dialect for Postgres Plus |
PostgreSQL81Dialect | An SQL dialect for Postgres For discussion of BLOB support in Postgres, as of 8.4, have a peek at http://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/84/binary-data.html. |
PostgreSQL82Dialect | An SQL dialect for Postgres 8.2 and later, adds support for "if exists" when dropping tables |
PostgreSQLDialect | Deprecated. use PostgreSQL82Dialect instead |
ProgressDialect | An SQL dialect compatible with Progress 9.1C Connection Parameters required: hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.sql.ProgressDialect hibernate.driver com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver hibernate.url jdbc:JdbcProgress:T:host:port:dbname;WorkArounds=536870912 hibernate.username username hibernate.password password The WorkArounds parameter in the URL is required to avoid an error in the Progress 9.1C JDBC driver related to PreparedStatements. |
RDMSOS2200Dialect | This is the Hibernate dialect for the Unisys 2200 Relational Database (RDMS). |
ResultColumnReferenceStrategy | Defines how we need to reference columns in the group-by, having, and order-by clauses. |
SAPDBDialect | An SQL dialect compatible with SAP DB. |
SQLServer2005Dialect | A dialect for Microsoft SQL 2005. |
SQLServer2008Dialect | A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with JDBC Driver 3.0 and above |
SQLServer2012Dialect | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Dialect |
SQLServerDialect | A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 |
Sybase11Dialect | A SQL dialect suitable for use with Sybase 11.9.2 (specifically: avoids ANSI JOIN syntax) |
SybaseAnywhereDialect | SQL Dialect for Sybase Anywhere extending Sybase (Enterprise) Dialect (Tested on ASA 8.x) |
SybaseASE157Dialect | An SQL dialect targeting Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 and higher. |
SybaseASE15Dialect | An SQL dialect targeting Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15 and higher. |
SybaseDialect | All Sybase dialects share an IN list size limit. |
TeradataDialect | A dialect for the Teradata database created by MCR as part of the dialect certification process. |
TimesTenDialect | A SQL dialect for TimesTen 5.1. |
TypeNames | This class maps a type to names. |
This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database.
A concrete Dialect may be specifed using hibernate.dialect.