Package org.hibernate.dialect

This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database.


Interface Summary
ColumnAliasExtractor Strategy for extracting the unique column alias out of a ResultSetMetaData.
LobMergeStrategy Strategy for how dialects need LOB values to be merged.

Class Summary
Cache71Dialect Caché 2007.1 dialect.
CUBRIDDialect An SQL dialect for CUBRID (8.3.x and later).
DB2390Dialect An SQL dialect for DB2/390.
DB2400Dialect An SQL dialect for DB2/400.
DB2Dialect An SQL dialect for DB2.
DerbyDialect Deprecated. HHH-6073
DerbyTenFiveDialect Hibernate Dialect for Cloudscape 10 - aka Derby.
DerbyTenSixDialect Hibernate Dialect for Cloudscape 10 - aka Derby.
Dialect Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS.
FirebirdDialect An SQL dialect for Firebird.
FrontBaseDialect An SQL Dialect for Frontbase.
H2Dialect A dialect compatible with the H2 database.
HSQLDialect An SQL dialect compatible with HSQLDB (HyperSQL).
InformixDialect Informix dialect.

Seems to work with Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD3, Informix JDBC driver version 2.21JC3.
Ingres10Dialect A SQL dialect for Ingres 10 and later versions.
Ingres9Dialect A SQL dialect for Ingres 9.3 and later versions.
IngresDialect An SQL dialect for Ingres 9.2.
InterbaseDialect An SQL dialect for Interbase.
JDataStoreDialect A Dialect for JDataStore.
MckoiDialect An SQL dialect compatible with McKoi SQL
MimerSQLDialect An Hibernate 3 SQL dialect for Mimer SQL.
MySQL5Dialect An SQL dialect for MySQL 5.x specific features.
MySQLDialect An SQL dialect for MySQL (prior to 5.x).
Oracle10gDialect A dialect specifically for use with Oracle 10g.
Oracle8iDialect A dialect for Oracle 8i.
Oracle9Dialect Deprecated. Use either Oracle9iDialect or Oracle10gDialect instead
Oracle9iDialect A dialect for Oracle 9i databases.
OracleDialect Deprecated. Use Oracle8iDialect instead.
PointbaseDialect A Dialect for Pointbase.
PostgresPlusDialect An SQL dialect for Postgres Plus
PostgreSQL81Dialect An SQL dialect for Postgres

For discussion of BLOB support in Postgres, as of 8.4, have a peek at

PostgreSQL82Dialect An SQL dialect for Postgres 8.2 and later, adds support for "if exists" when dropping tables
PostgreSQLDialect Deprecated. use PostgreSQL82Dialect instead
ProgressDialect An SQL dialect compatible with Progress 9.1C

Connection Parameters required: hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.sql.ProgressDialect hibernate.driver com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver hibernate.url jdbc:JdbcProgress:T:host:port:dbname;WorkArounds=536870912 hibernate.username username hibernate.password password The WorkArounds parameter in the URL is required to avoid an error in the Progress 9.1C JDBC driver related to PreparedStatements.
RDMSOS2200Dialect This is the Hibernate dialect for the Unisys 2200 Relational Database (RDMS).
ResultColumnReferenceStrategy Defines how we need to reference columns in the group-by, having, and order-by clauses.
SAPDBDialect An SQL dialect compatible with SAP DB.
SQLServer2005Dialect A dialect for Microsoft SQL 2005.
SQLServer2008Dialect A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with JDBC Driver 3.0 and above
SQLServer2012Dialect Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Dialect
SQLServerDialect A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Sybase11Dialect A SQL dialect suitable for use with Sybase 11.9.2 (specifically: avoids ANSI JOIN syntax)
SybaseAnywhereDialect SQL Dialect for Sybase Anywhere extending Sybase (Enterprise) Dialect (Tested on ASA 8.x)
SybaseASE157Dialect An SQL dialect targeting Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 and higher.
SybaseASE15Dialect An SQL dialect targeting Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15 and higher.
SybaseDialect All Sybase dialects share an IN list size limit.
TeradataDialect A dialect for the Teradata database created by MCR as part of the dialect certification process.
TimesTenDialect A SQL dialect for TimesTen 5.1.
TypeNames This class maps a type to names.

Package org.hibernate.dialect Description

This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database.

A concrete Dialect may be specifed using hibernate.dialect.

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