Interface DuplicationStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
DuplicationStrategyImpl, EnversListenerDuplicationStrategy

public interface DuplicationStrategy

Defines listener duplication checking strategy, both in terms of when a duplication is detected (see areMatch(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)) as well as how to handle a duplication (see getAction()).

Nested Class Summary
static class DuplicationStrategy.Action
          The enumerated list of actions available on duplication match
Method Summary
 boolean areMatch(Object listener, Object original)
          Are the two listener instances considered a duplication?
 DuplicationStrategy.Action getAction()
          How should a duplication be handled?

Method Detail


boolean areMatch(Object listener,
                 Object original)
Are the two listener instances considered a duplication?

listener - The listener we are currently trying to register
original - An already registered listener
true if the two instances are considered a duplication; false otherwise


DuplicationStrategy.Action getAction()
How should a duplication be handled?

The strategy for handling duplication

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