Interface Summary | |
AggregatedSelectExpression | Contract for a select expression which aggregates other select expressions together into a single return |
BinaryOperatorNode | Contract for nodes representing binary operators. |
DisplayableNode | Implementors will return additional display text, which will be used by the ASTPrinter to display information (besides the node type and node text). |
DotNode.IllegalCollectionDereferenceExceptionBuilder | |
ExpectedTypeAwareNode | Interface for nodes which wish to be made aware of any determined "expected type" based on the context within they appear in the query. |
FunctionNode | Identifies a node which models a SQL function. |
InitializeableNode | An interface for initializeable AST nodes. |
OperatorNode | Contract for nodes representing operators (logic or arithmetic). |
ParameterContainer | Deprecated. |
PathNode | An AST node with a path property. |
ResolvableNode | The contract for expression sub-trees that can resolve themselves. |
RestrictableStatement | Type definition for Statements which are restrictable via a where-clause (and thus also having a from-clause). |
SelectExpression | Represents an element of a projection list, i.e. |
SessionFactoryAwareNode | Interface for nodes which require access to the SessionFactory |
Statement | Common interface modeling the different HQL statements (i.e., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT). |
UnaryOperatorNode | Contract for nodes representing unary operators. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractMapComponentNode | Basic support for KEY, VALUE and ENTRY based "qualified identification variables". |
AbstractNullnessCheckNode | Base class for nodes dealing 'is null' and 'is not null' operators. |
AbstractRestrictableStatement | Convenience implementation of RestrictableStatement
to centralize common functionality. |
AbstractSelectExpression | Partial implementation of SelectExpression for all the nodes that aren't constructors. |
AbstractStatement | Convenience implementation of Statement to centralize common functionality. |
AggregateNode | Represents an aggregate function i.e. |
AssignmentSpecification | Encapsulates the information relating to an individual assignment within the set clause of an HQL update statement. |
BetweenOperatorNode | Contract for nodes representing logical BETWEEN (ternary) operators. |
BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode | Nodes which represent binary arithmetic operators. |
BinaryLogicOperatorNode | Contract for nodes representing binary operators. |
BooleanLiteralNode | Represents a boolean literal within a query. |
CastFunctionNode | Represents a cast function call. |
CollectionFunction | Represents 'elements()' or 'indices()'. |
ComponentJoin | Models an explicit join terminating at a component value (e.g. |
ConstructorNode | Represents a constructor (new) in a SELECT. |
CountNode | Represents a COUNT expression in a select. |
DeleteStatement | Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL delete statement. |
DotNode | Represents a reference to a property or alias expression. |
FromClause | Represents the 'FROM' part of a query or subquery, containing all mapped class references. |
FromElement | Represents a single mapped class mentioned in an HQL FROM clause. |
FromElementFactory | Encapsulates the creation of FromElements and JoinSequences. |
FromReferenceNode | Represents a reference to a FROM element, for example a class alias in a WHERE clause. |
HqlSqlWalkerNode | A semantic analysis node, that points back to the main analyzer. |
IdentNode | Represents an identifier all by itself, which may be a function name, a class alias, or a form of naked property-ref depending on the context. |
ImpliedFromElement | Represents a FROM element implied by a path expression or a collection reference. |
IndexNode | Represents the [] operator and provides it's semantics. |
InLogicOperatorNode | |
InsertStatement | Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL "insert select" statement. |
IntoClause | Represents an entity referenced in the INTO clause of an HQL INSERT statement. |
IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode | IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode implementation |
IsNullLogicOperatorNode | Represents a 'is null' check. |
JavaConstantNode | A node representing a static Java constant. |
LiteralNode | Represents a literal. |
MapEntryNode | Tree node representing reference to the entry (Map.Entry ) of a Map association. |
MapKeyNode | Tree node representing reference to the key of a Map association. |
MapValueNode | Tree node representing reference to the value of a Map association. |
MethodNode | Represents a method call. |
Node | Base node class for use by Hibernate within its AST trees. |
OrderByClause | Implementation of OrderByClause. |
ParameterNode | Implementation of ParameterNode. |
QueryNode | Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL select statement. |
ResultVariableRefNode | Represents a reference to a result_variable as defined in the JPA 2 spec. |
SearchedCaseNode | Models what ANSI SQL terms a searched case expression. |
SelectClause | Represents the list of expressions in a SELECT clause. |
SelectExpressionImpl | A select expression that was generated by a FROM element. |
SelectExpressionList | Common behavior - a node that contains a list of select expressions. |
SimpleCaseNode | Models what ANSI SQL terms a simple case statement. |
SqlFragment | Represents an SQL fragment in the AST. |
SqlNode | A base AST node for the intermediate tree. |
UnaryArithmeticNode | |
UnaryLogicOperatorNode | Represents a unary operator node. |
UpdateStatement | Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL update statement. |