Class Entity

  extended by org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.AbstractAttributeContainer
      extended by org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.Entity
All Implemented Interfaces:
AttributeContainer, Hierarchical, Type

public class Entity
extends AbstractAttributeContainer

Models the notion of an entity

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.AbstractAttributeContainer
AbstractAttributeContainer.IndexedPluralAttributeImpl, AbstractAttributeContainer.PluralAttributeImpl, AbstractAttributeContainer.SingularAttributeImpl
Constructor Summary
Entity(String entityName, String className, ValueHolder<Class<?>> classReference, Hierarchical superType)
          Constructor for the entity
Method Summary
 boolean isAssociation()
 boolean isComponent()
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.AbstractAttributeContainer
addAttribute, attributes, createBag, createComponentAttribute, createList, createMap, createPluralAttribute, createSet, createSingularAttribute, createVirtualSingularAttribute, getClassName, getClassReference, getClassReferenceUnresolved, getName, getRoleBaseName, getSuperType, locateAttribute, locateBag, locateComponentAttribute, locateList, locateMap, locatePluralAttribute, locateSet, locateSingularAttribute, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Entity(String entityName,
              String className,
              ValueHolder<Class<?>> classReference,
              Hierarchical superType)
Constructor for the entity

entityName - The name of the entity
className - The name of this entity's java class
classReference - The reference to this entity's Class
superType - The super type for this entity. If there is not super type null needs to be passed.
Method Detail


public boolean isAssociation()


public boolean isComponent()

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