Package org.hibernate.transform

Defines strategies for post-processing criteria query result sets into a form convenient to the application.


Interface Summary
ResultTransformer Implementors define a strategy for transforming query results into the actual application-visible query result list.
TupleSubsetResultTransformer A ResultTransformer that operates on "well-defined" and consistent subset of a tuple's elements.

Class Summary
AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer An implementation of TupleSubsetResultTransformer that ignores a tuple element if its corresponding alias is null.
AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer Wraps the tuples in a constructor call.
AliasToBeanResultTransformer Result transformer that allows to transform a result to a user specified class which will be populated via setter methods or fields matching the alias names.
AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer ResultTransformer implementation which builds a map for each "row", made up of each aliased value where the alias is the map key.
BasicTransformerAdapter Provides the basic "noop" impls of the ResultTransformer contract.
CacheableResultTransformer A ResultTransformer that is used to transform tuples to a value(s) that can be cached.
DistinctResultTransformer Distinctions the result tuples in the final result based on the defined equality of the tuples.
DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer Much like RootEntityResultTransformer, but we also distinct the entity in the final result.
PassThroughResultTransformer ???
RootEntityResultTransformer ResultTransformer implementation which limits the result tuple to only the "root entity".
ToListResultTransformer Tranforms each result row from a tuple into a List, such that what you end up with is a List of Lists.

Package org.hibernate.transform Description

Defines strategies for post-processing criteria query result sets into a form convenient to the application.

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