See: Description
Interface | Description |
AbstractEntityPersister.CacheEntryHelper |
Consolidated these onto a single helper because the 2 pieces work in tandem.
AbstractEntityPersister.InclusionChecker | |
DiscriminatorMetadata |
Provides the information needed to properly handle type discrimination
in HQL queries, either by 'something.class' or 'type(something)' references.
EntityPersister |
Contract describing mapping information and persistence logic for a particular strategy of entity mapping.
Joinable |
Anything that can be loaded by outer join - namely
persisters for classes or collections.
Loadable |
Implemented by a EntityPersister that may be loaded
using Loader.
Lockable |
Contract for things that can be locked via a
LockingStrategy . |
MultiLoadOptions |
Encapsulation of the options for performing a load by multiple identifiers.
OuterJoinLoadable |
A EntityPersister that may be loaded by outer join using
the OuterJoinLoader hierarchy and may be an element
of a one-to-many association.
PropertyMapping |
Contract for all things that know how to map a property to the needed bits of SQL.
Queryable |
Extends the generic EntityPersister contract to add
operations required by the Hibernate Query Language
SQLLoadable |
A class persister that supports queries expressed in the
platform native SQL dialect
UniqueKeyLoadable |
Class | Description |
AbstractEntityPersister |
Basic functionality for persisting an entity via JDBC
through either generated or custom SQL
AbstractPropertyMapping |
Basic implementation of the
PropertyMapping contract. |
BasicEntityPropertyMapping | |
DiscriminatorType |
TODO : javadoc
JoinedSubclassEntityPersister |
An EntityPersister implementing the normalized "table-per-subclass"
mapping strategy
NamedQueryLoader |
Not really a Loader, just a wrapper around a named query.
Queryable.Declarer | |
SingleTableEntityPersister |
The default implementation of the EntityPersister interface.
UnionSubclassEntityPersister |
Implementation of the "table-per-concrete-class" or "roll-down" mapping
strategy for an entity and its inheritence hierarchy.
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities, and defines the Hibernate runtime metamodel.
Strategies for persisting entities implement the EntityPersister interface. Optionally, they may implement certain additional interfaces that define contracts with various loaders. Concrete implementations in this package define the built-in inheritance mapping strategies.
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