public interface ProcedureCall extends BasicQueryContract, SynchronizeableQuery, javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ProcedureCall |
addSynchronizedEntityClass(java.lang.Class entityClass)
Adds an entity for (a) auto-flush checking and (b) query result cache invalidation checking.
ProcedureCall |
addSynchronizedEntityName(java.lang.String entityName)
Adds an entity name for (a) auto-flush checking and (b) query result cache invalidation checking.
ProcedureCall |
addSynchronizedQuerySpace(java.lang.String querySpace)
Adds a query space.
ProcedureCallMemento |
Extract the disconnected representation of this call.
ProcedureCallMemento |
extractMemento(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> hints)
Extract the disconnected representation of this call.
ProcedureOutputs |
Retrieves access to outputs of this procedure call.
ParameterRegistration |
getParameterRegistration(int position)
Retrieve a previously registered parameter memento by the position under which it was registered.
ParameterRegistration |
getParameterRegistration(java.lang.String name)
Retrieve a previously registered parameter memento by the name under which it was registered.
java.lang.String |
Get the name of the stored procedure to be called.
java.util.List<ParameterRegistration> |
Retrieve all registered parameters.
<T> ParameterRegistration<T> |
registerParameter(int position,
java.lang.Class<T> type,
javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode)
Basic form for registering a positional parameter.
<T> ParameterRegistration<T> |
registerParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.Class<T> type,
javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode)
Basic form for registering a named parameter.
ProcedureCall |
registerParameter0(int position,
java.lang.Class type,
javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode)
Chained form of
registerParameter(int, Class, javax.persistence.ParameterMode) |
ProcedureCall |
registerParameter0(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.Class type,
javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode)
getCacheMode, getCacheRegion, getFetchSize, getHibernateFlushMode, getReturnTypes, getTimeout, isCacheable, isReadOnly, setCacheable, setCacheMode, setCacheRegion, setFetchSize, setFlushMode, setHibernateFlushMode, setReadOnly, setTimeout
execute, getOutputParameterValue, getOutputParameterValue, getUpdateCount, hasMoreResults, registerStoredProcedureParameter, registerStoredProcedureParameter, setFlushMode, setHint, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter, setParameter
executeUpdate, getFirstResult, getFlushMode, getHints, getLockMode, getMaxResults, getParameter, getParameter, getParameter, getParameter, getParameters, getParameterValue, getParameterValue, getParameterValue, getResultList, getSingleResult, isBound, setFirstResult, setLockMode, setMaxResults, unwrap
ProcedureCall addSynchronizedQuerySpace(java.lang.String querySpace)
in interface SynchronizeableQuery
- The query space to be auto-flushed for this query.this
, for method chainingProcedureCall addSynchronizedEntityName(java.lang.String entityName) throws MappingException
for all tables associated with the given entity.addSynchronizedEntityName
in interface SynchronizeableQuery
- The name of the entity upon whose defined query spaces we should additionally synchronize.this
, for method chainingMappingException
- Indicates the given name could not be resolved as an entityProcedureCall addSynchronizedEntityClass(java.lang.Class entityClass) throws MappingException
for all tables associated with the given entity.addSynchronizedEntityClass
in interface SynchronizeableQuery
- The class of the entity upon whose defined query spaces we should additionally synchronize.this
, for method chainingMappingException
- Indicates the given class could not be resolved as an entityjava.lang.String getProcedureName()
<T> ParameterRegistration<T> registerParameter(int position, java.lang.Class<T> type, javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode)
- The parameterized Java type of the parameter.position
- The positiontype
- The Java type of the parametermode
- The parameter mode (in, out, inout)ProcedureCall registerParameter0(int position, java.lang.Class type, javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode)
registerParameter(int, Class, javax.persistence.ParameterMode)
- The positiontype
- The Java type of the parametermode
- The parameter mode (in, out, inout)this
, for method chainingParameterRegistration getParameterRegistration(int position)
- The parameter positionParameterStrategyException
- If the ProcedureCall is defined using named parametersNoSuchParameterException
- If no parameter with that position exists<T> ParameterRegistration<T> registerParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.Class<T> type, javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode) throws NamedParametersNotSupportedException
- The parameterized Java type of the parameter.parameterName
- The parameter nametype
- The Java type of the parametermode
- The parameter mode (in, out, inout)NamedParametersNotSupportedException
- When the underlying database is known to not support
named procedure parameters.ProcedureCall registerParameter0(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.Class type, javax.persistence.ParameterMode mode) throws NamedParametersNotSupportedException
- The parameter nametype
- The Java type of the parametermode
- The parameter mode (in, out, inout)NamedParametersNotSupportedException
- When the underlying database is known to not support
named procedure parameters.ParameterRegistration getParameterRegistration(java.lang.String name)
- The parameter nameParameterStrategyException
- If the ProcedureCall is defined using positional parametersNoSuchParameterException
- If no parameter with that name existsjava.util.List<ParameterRegistration> getRegisteredParameters()
ProcedureOutputs getOutputs()
ProcedureCallMemento extractMemento(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> hints)
- The hints to incorporate into the mementoProcedureCallMemento extractMemento()
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