Class AuditProperty<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AuditProperty<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements AuditProjection
    Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of an audited entity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditProperty

        public AuditProperty​(java.lang.String alias,
    • Method Detail

      • ne

        public AuditCriterion ne​(T value)
        Apply a "not equal" constraint
      • ilike

        public AuditCriterion ilike​(T value)
        Apply an "ilike" constraint
      • ilike

        public AuditCriterion ilike​(java.lang.String value,
                                    MatchMode matchMode)
        Apply on "ilike" constraint
      • gt

        public AuditCriterion gt​(T value)
        Apply a "greater than" constraint
      • lt

        public AuditCriterion lt​(T value)
        Apply a "less than" constraint
      • le

        public AuditCriterion le​(T value)
        Apply a "less than or equal" constraint
      • ge

        public AuditCriterion ge​(T value)
        Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint
      • between

        public AuditCriterion between​(T lo,
                                      T hi)
        Apply a "between" constraint
      • in

        public AuditCriterion in​(java.util.Collection values)
        Apply an "in" constraint
      • isNull

        public AuditCriterion isNull()
        Apply an "is null" constraint
      • eqProperty

        public AuditCriterion eqProperty​(java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply an "equal" constraint to another property
      • eqProperty

        public AuditCriterion eqProperty​(java.lang.String otherAlias,
                                         java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply an "equal" constraint to another property
        otherAlias - the alias of the entity which owns the other property.
      • neProperty

        public AuditCriterion neProperty​(java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "not equal" constraint to another property
      • neProperty

        public AuditCriterion neProperty​(java.lang.String otherAlias,
                                         java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "not equal" constraint to another property
        otherAlias - the alias of the entity which owns the other property.
      • ltProperty

        public AuditCriterion ltProperty​(java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "less than" constraint to another property
      • ltProperty

        public AuditCriterion ltProperty​(java.lang.String otherAlias,
                                         java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "less than" constraint to another property
        otherAlias - the alias of the entity which owns the other property.
      • leProperty

        public AuditCriterion leProperty​(java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to another property
      • leProperty

        public AuditCriterion leProperty​(java.lang.String otherAlias,
                                         java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to another property
        otherAlias - the alias of the entity which owns the other property.
      • gtProperty

        public AuditCriterion gtProperty​(java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "greater than" constraint to another property
      • gtProperty

        public AuditCriterion gtProperty​(java.lang.String otherAlias,
                                         java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "greater than" constraint to another property
        otherAlias - the alias of the entity which owns the other property.
      • geProperty

        public AuditCriterion geProperty​(java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to another property
      • geProperty

        public AuditCriterion geProperty​(java.lang.String otherAlias,
                                         java.lang.String otherPropertyName)
        Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to another property
        otherAlias - the alias of the entity which owns the other property.
      • isNotNull

        public AuditCriterion isNotNull()
        Apply an "is not null" constraint to the another property
      • maximize

        public AggregatedAuditExpression maximize()
        Apply a "maximalize" constraint, with the ability to specify further constraints on the maximized property
      • minimize

        public AggregatedAuditExpression minimize()
        Apply a "minimize" constraint, with the ability to specify further constraints on the minimized property
      • countDistinct

        public AuditProjection countDistinct()
        Projection counting distinct values
      • distinct

        public AuditProjection distinct()
        Projection on distinct values
      • function

        public AuditProjection function​(java.lang.String functionName)
        Projection using a custom function
      • asc

        public AuditOrder asc()
        Sort the results by the property in ascending order
      • desc

        public AuditOrder desc()
        Sort the results by the property in descending order
      • convertQueryResult

        public java.lang.Object convertQueryResult​(org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal.EnversService enversService,
                                                   org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.EntityInstantiator entityInstantiator,
                                                   java.lang.String entityName,
                                                   java.lang.Number revision,
                                                   java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        convertQueryResult in interface AuditProjection
        enversService - the Envers service
        entityInstantiator - the entity instantiator
        entityName - the name of the entity for which the projection has been added
        revision - the revision
        value - the value to convert
        the converted value