AbstractEntityJoinWalker |
Abstract walker for walkers which begin at an entity (criteria
queries and entity loaders).
BasicLoader |
Uses the default mapping from property to result set column
alias defined by the entities' persisters.
ColumnEntityAliases |
EntityAliases that chooses the column names over the alias names.
DefaultEntityAliases |
EntityAliases which handles the logic of selecting user provided aliases (via return-property),
before using the default aliases.
GeneratedCollectionAliases |
CollectionAliases which handles the logic of selecting user provided aliases (via return-property),
before using the default aliases.
JoinWalker |
Walks the metamodel, searching for joins, and collecting
together information needed by OuterJoinLoader.
Loader |
Abstract superclass of object loading (and querying) strategies.
Loader.SqlStatementWrapper |
Wrapper class for Statement and associated ResultSet .
OuterJoinableAssociation |
Part of the Hibernate SQL rendering internals.
OuterJoinLoader |
Implements logic for walking a tree of associated classes.
PropertyPath |