Interface QueryParameterListBinding<T>

  • public interface QueryParameterListBinding<T>
    Represents a "parameter list" binding: aka the binding of a collection of values for a single query parameter. At some point these need to be "expanded"; see QueryParameterBindingsImpl#expandListValuedParameters(String) for details.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Type getBindType()
      Get the Type currently associated with this binding.
      java.util.Collection<T> getBindValues()
      Get the values currently bound.
      void setBindValues​(java.util.Collection<T> values)
      Sets the parameter binding values.
      void setBindValues​(java.util.Collection<T> values, TemporalType clarifiedTemporalType)
      Sets the parameter binding value using the explicit TemporalType in regards to the individual values.
      void setBindValues​(java.util.Collection<T> values, Type clarifiedType)
      Sets the parameter binding values using the explicit Type in regards to the individual values.
    • Method Detail

      • setBindValues

        void setBindValues​(java.util.Collection<T> values)
        Sets the parameter binding values. The inherent parameter type (if known) is assumed in regards to the individual values.
        values - The bind values
      • setBindValues

        void setBindValues​(java.util.Collection<T> values,
                           Type clarifiedType)
        Sets the parameter binding values using the explicit Type in regards to the individual values.
        values - The bind values
        clarifiedType - The explicit Type to use
      • setBindValues

        void setBindValues​(java.util.Collection<T> values,
                           TemporalType clarifiedTemporalType)
        Sets the parameter binding value using the explicit TemporalType in regards to the individual values.
        values - The bind values
        clarifiedTemporalType - The temporal type to use
      • getBindValues

        java.util.Collection<T> getBindValues()
        Get the values currently bound.
        The currently bound values
      • getBindType

        Type getBindType()
        Get the Type currently associated with this binding.
        The currently associated Type