Class Column

    • Constructor Detail

      • Column

        public Column()
      • Column

        public Column​(String columnName)
    • Method Detail

      • getLength

        public Long getLength()
      • setLength

        public void setLength​(Long length)
      • setLength

        public void setLength​(Integer length)
      • getValue

        public Value getValue()
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Value value)
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getQuotedName

        public String getQuotedName()
        returns quoted name as it would be in the mapping file.
      • getAlias

        public String getAlias​(Dialect dialect,
                               Table table)
        Generate a column alias that is unique across multiple tables
        Specified by:
        getAlias in interface Selectable
      • isNullable

        public boolean isNullable()
      • setNullable

        public void setNullable​(boolean nullable)
      • getTypeIndex

        public int getTypeIndex()
      • setTypeIndex

        public void setTypeIndex​(int typeIndex)
      • isUnique

        public boolean isUnique()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Column column)
      • getSqlTypeCode

        public Integer getSqlTypeCode()
        Returns SQL type code for this column, or null if the type code is unknown.

        Use getSqlTypeCode(Mapping) to retrieve the type code using Value associated with the column.

        sqlTypeCode if it is set, otherwise null.
      • setSqlTypeCode

        public void setSqlTypeCode​(Integer typeCode)
      • getSqlType

        public String getSqlType()
      • setSqlType

        public void setSqlType​(String sqlType)
      • setUnique

        public void setUnique​(boolean unique)
      • isQuoted

        public boolean isQuoted()
      • setSpecializedTypeDeclaration

        public void setSpecializedTypeDeclaration​(String specializedTypeDeclaration)
      • getSpecializedTypeDeclaration

        public String getSpecializedTypeDeclaration()
      • hasSpecializedTypeDeclaration

        public boolean hasSpecializedTypeDeclaration()
      • getCheckConstraint

        public String getCheckConstraint()
      • setCheckConstraint

        public void setCheckConstraint​(String checkConstraint)
      • hasCheckConstraint

        public boolean hasCheckConstraint()
      • checkConstraint

        public String checkConstraint()
      • hasCustomRead

        public boolean hasCustomRead()
      • getWriteExpr

        public String getWriteExpr()
      • isFormula

        public boolean isFormula()
        Description copied from interface: Selectable
        Does this selectable represent a formula? true indicates it is a formula; false indicates it is a physical column
        Specified by:
        isFormula in interface Selectable
      • getText

        public String getText​(Dialect d)
        Description copied from interface: Selectable
        The selectable's text representation accounting for the Dialect's quoting, if quoted
        Specified by:
        getText in interface Selectable
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Description copied from interface: Selectable
        The selectable's "canonical" text representation
        Specified by:
        getText in interface Selectable
      • getPrecision

        public Integer getPrecision()
      • setPrecision

        public void setPrecision​(Integer precision)
      • getScale

        public Integer getScale()
      • setScale

        public void setScale​(Integer scale)
      • getComment

        public String getComment()
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(String comment)
      • getDefaultValue

        public String getDefaultValue()
      • setDefaultValue

        public void setDefaultValue​(String defaultValue)
      • getGeneratedAs

        public String getGeneratedAs()
      • setGeneratedAs

        public void setGeneratedAs​(String generatedAs)
      • getAssignmentExpression

        public String getAssignmentExpression()
      • setAssignmentExpression

        public void setAssignmentExpression​(String assignmentExpression)
      • getCustomWrite

        public String getCustomWrite()
      • setCustomWrite

        public void setCustomWrite​(String customWrite)
      • getCustomRead

        public String getCustomRead()
      • setResolvedCustomRead

        public void setResolvedCustomRead​(String customRead)
      • setCustomRead

        public void setCustomRead​(String customRead)
      • getCanonicalName

        public String getCanonicalName()
      • clone

        public Column clone()
        Shallow copy, the value is not copied
        clone in class Object