AbstractPropertyHolder |
AggregateComponentBinder |
Processes aggregate component annotations from Java classes and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel,
that is, the objects defined in the package org.hibernate.mapping .
AggregateComponentSecondPass |
AnnotatedColumn |
A mapping to a column, logically representing a
Column annotation, but not
every instance corresponds to an explicit annotation in
the Java code.
AnnotatedColumns |
A list of columns that are mapped to a single Java property
or field.
AnnotatedDiscriminatorColumn |
AnnotatedJoinColumn |
An element of a join condition, logically representing a
JoinColumn annotation, but not
every instance corresponds to an explicit annotation in the
Java code.
AnnotatedJoinColumns |
A list of JoinColumn s that form a single join
condition, similar in concept to JoinColumns ,
but not every instance of this class corresponds to an explicit annotation
in the Java code.
AnnotationBinder |
Reads annotations from Java classes and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel,
that is, the objects defined in the package org.hibernate.mapping .
AnyBinder |
ArrayBinder |
AttributeConversionInfo |
BagBinder |
BasicValueBinder |
A stateful binder responsible for creating instances of BasicValue .
BinderHelper |
ClassLoaderAccessLazyImpl |
ClassPropertyHolder |
CollectionBinder |
Base class for stateful binders responsible for producing mapping model objects of type Collection .
CollectionPropertyHolder |
CollectionSecondPass |
Collection second pass
ComponentPropertyHolder |
CopyIdentifierComponentSecondPass |
CreateKeySecondPass |
DelayedParameterizedTypeBean<T> |
ManagedBean implementation for delayed ParameterizedType
handling (parameter injection) for a UserCollectionType
EmbeddableBinder |
A binder responsible for interpreting Embeddable classes and producing
instances of the mapping model object Component .
EntityBinder |
Stateful binder responsible for interpreting information about an Entity class
and producing a PersistentClass mapping model object.
FkSecondPass |
GeneratorBinder |
HCANNHelper |
Manage the various fun-ness of dealing with HCANN...
IdBagBinder |
IdGeneratorResolverSecondPass |
IndexColumn |
IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass |
InheritanceState |
Some extra data to the inheritance position of a class.
InheritanceState.ElementsToProcess |
JoinedSubclassFkSecondPass |
JPAIndexHolder |
JPAXMLOverriddenAnnotationReader |
Encapsulates the overriding of Java annotations from an EJB 3.0 descriptor (orm.xml, ...).
JPAXMLOverriddenMetadataProvider |
MetadataProvider aware of the JPA Deployment descriptor (orm.xml, ...).
ListBinder |
MapBinder |
MapKeyColumnDelegator |
MapKeyJoinColumnDelegator |
NullableDiscriminatorColumnSecondPass |
OneToOneSecondPass |
We have to handle OneToOne associations
in a second pass.
PersistentAttributeFilter |
PkDrivenByDefaultMapsIdSecondPass |
PrimitiveArrayBinder |
PropertyBinder |
A stateful binder responsible for creating Property objects.
PropertyContainer |
A helper class to keep the XProperty s of a class ordered by access type.
PropertyHolderBuilder |
This factory is here to build a PropertyHolder and prevent .mapping interface adding
PropertyInferredData |
Retrieve all inferred data from an annotated element
PropertyMappingElementCollector |
Reproduces what we used to do with a List<Element> in JPAXMLOverriddenAnnotationReader ,
with the following constraints:
Preserve type safety
Only create lists if we actually have elements (most lists should be empty in most cases)
PropertyPreloadedData |
QueryBinder |
Responsible for reading named queries defined in annotations and registering
NamedQueryDefinition objects.
QueryHintDefinition |
ResultSetMappingSecondPass |
SecondaryTableFromAnnotationSecondPass |
SecondaryTableSecondPass |
SetBasicValueTypeSecondPass |
SetBinder |
SimpleToOneFkSecondPass |
A simple second pass that just creates the foreign key
TableBinder |
Stateful binder responsible for producing instances of Table .
TimeZoneStorageHelper |
ToOneBinder |
ToOneFkSecondPass |
Enable a proper set of the FK columns in respect with the id column order
Allow the correct implementation of the default EJB3 values which needs both
sides of the association to be resolved
UniqueConstraintHolder |
VerifyFetchProfileReferenceSecondPass |
WrappedInferredData |
XMLContext |
A helper for consuming orm.xml mappings.
XMLContext.Default |