Class Column

    • Constructor Detail

      • Column

        public Column​(String name)
        Create a column with just a name.
        name - the name of the column
      • Column

        public Column​(String name,
                      boolean quoted)
        Create a column with just a name.
        name - the name of the column
        quoted - whether the name is to be quoted or not
      • Column

        public Column​(String name,
                      Long length,
                      Integer scale,
                      Integer precision,
                      String sqlType,
                      String read,
                      String write)
        Creates a column without a non-quoted name.
        name - the name of the column, never null
        length - the length, may be null
        scale - the scale, may be null
        precision - the precision, may be null
        sqlType - the sql-type, may be null
        read - the custom read, may be null
        write - the custom write, may be null
      • Column

        public Column​(String name,
                      Long length,
                      Integer scale,
                      Integer precision,
                      String sqlType,
                      String read,
                      String write,
                      boolean quoted)
        Creates a column
        name - the name of the column, never null
        length - the length, may be null
        scale - the scale, may be null
        precision - the precision, may be null
        sqlType - the sql-type, may be null
        read - the custom read, may be null
        write - the custom write, may be null
        quoted - whether to quote the column name or not
      • Column

        public Column​(Column other)
        Copy constructor that performs a deep-copy.
        other - the column to copy
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • deepCopy

        public Column deepCopy()
        Description copied from interface: Cloneable
        Creates a new, deep-copied instance of this object
        Specified by:
        deepCopy in interface Cloneable<Column>
        a deep-copy clone of the referenced object
      • from

        public static Column from​(Selectable selectable)
        Creates an Envers column mapping from an Hibernate ORM column mapping.
        selectable - the ORM column mapping
        the envers column mapping