Interface EntityManagerFactoryBuilder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EntityManagerFactoryBuilder
    Represents a two-phase JPA bootstrap process for building a Hibernate EntityManagerFactory.

    The first phase is the process of instantiating this builder. During the first phase, loading of Class references is highly discouraged.

    The second phase is building the EntityManagerFactory instance via build().

    If anything goes wrong during either phase and the bootstrap process needs to be aborted, cancel() should be called.

    • Method Detail

      • withValidatorFactory

        EntityManagerFactoryBuilder withValidatorFactory​(Object validatorFactory)
        Allows passing in a Java EE ValidatorFactory (delayed from constructing the builder, AKA phase 2) to be used in building the EntityManagerFactory
        validatorFactory - The ValidatorFactory
        this, for method chaining
      • withDataSource

        EntityManagerFactoryBuilder withDataSource​(DataSource dataSource)
        Allows passing in a DataSource (delayed from constructing the builder, AKA phase 2) to be used in building the EntityManagerFactory
        dataSource - The DataSource to use
        this, for method chaining
      • cancel

        void cancel()
        Cancel the building processing. This is used to signal the builder to release any resources in the case of something having gone wrong during the bootstrap process
      • generateSchema

        void generateSchema()
        Perform an explicit schema generation (rather than an "auto" one) based on the