Interface CollectionPersister

    • Method Detail

      • getNavigableRole

        NavigableRole getNavigableRole()
        The NavigableRole for this collection.
      • getRole

        default String getRole()
      • getOwnerEntityPersister

        EntityPersister getOwnerEntityPersister()
        Get the persister of the entity that "owns" this collection
      • hasCache

        boolean hasCache()
        Is this collection role cacheable
      • getCacheAccessStrategy

        CollectionDataAccess getCacheAccessStrategy()
        Access to the collection's cache region
      • getElementClass

        Class<?> getElementClass()
        Return the element class of an array, or null otherwise
      • isPrimitiveArray

        boolean isPrimitiveArray()
        Is this an array or primitive values?
      • isArray

        boolean isArray()
        Is this an array?
      • isOneToMany

        boolean isOneToMany()
        Is this a one-to-many association?
      • isManyToMany

        boolean isManyToMany()
        Is this a many-to-many association? Note that this is mainly a convenience feature as the single persister does not contain all the information needed to handle a many-to-many itself, as internally it is looked at as two many-to-ones.
      • hasIndex

        boolean hasIndex()
        Is this an "indexed" collection? (list or map)
      • isLazy

        boolean isLazy()
        Is this collection lazily initialized?
      • isInverse

        boolean isInverse()
        Is this collection "inverse", so state changes are not propagated to the database.
      • getGenerator

        default BeforeExecutionGenerator getGenerator()
        Get the surrogate key generation strategy (optional operation)
      • hasOrphanDelete

        boolean hasOrphanDelete()
        Does this collection implement "orphan delete"?
      • hasOrdering

        boolean hasOrdering()
        Is this an ordered collection? (An ordered collection is ordered by the initialization operation, not by sorting that happens in memory, as in the case of a sorted collection.)
      • hasManyToManyOrdering

        boolean hasManyToManyOrdering()
      • getCollectionSpaces

        Serializable[] getCollectionSpaces()
        Get the "space" that holds the persistent state
      • getCollectionMetadata

        CollectionMetadata getCollectionMetadata()
        This operation is no longer called by Hibernate.
        Get the user-visible metadata for the collection (optional operation)
      • isCascadeDeleteEnabled

        boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled()
        Is cascade delete handled by the database-level foreign key constraint definition?
      • isVersioned

        boolean isVersioned()
        Does this collection cause version increment of the owning entity?
      • isMutable

        boolean isMutable()
        Can the elements of this collection change?
      • isAffectedByEnabledFilters

        default boolean isAffectedByEnabledFilters​(LoadQueryInfluencers influencers)
      • isAffectedByEntityGraph

        default boolean isAffectedByEntityGraph​(LoadQueryInfluencers influencers)
      • isAffectedByEnabledFetchProfiles

        default boolean isAffectedByEnabledFetchProfiles​(LoadQueryInfluencers influencers)
      • isExtraLazy

        boolean isExtraLazy()
      • getBatchSize

        int getBatchSize()
      • getMappedByProperty

        String getMappedByProperty()
        the name of the property this collection is mapped by
      • getKeyColumnAliases

        String[] getKeyColumnAliases​(String suffix)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Read-by-position makes this irrelevant. Currently still used by SQLQueryParser
        Generates the collection's key column aliases, based on the given suffix.
        suffix - The suffix to use in the key column alias generation.
        The key column aliases.
      • getIndexColumnAliases

        String[] getIndexColumnAliases​(String suffix)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Read-by-position makes this irrelevant. Currently still used by SQLQueryParser
        Generates the collection's index column aliases, based on the given suffix.
        suffix - The suffix to use in the index column alias generation.
        The key column aliases, or null if not indexed.
      • getElementColumnAliases

        String[] getElementColumnAliases​(String suffix)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Read-by-position makes this irrelevant. Currently still used by SQLQueryParser
        Generates the collection's element column aliases, based on the given suffix.
        suffix - The suffix to use in the element column alias generation.
        The key column aliases.
      • getIdentifierColumnAlias

        String getIdentifierColumnAlias​(String suffix)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Read-by-position makes this irrelevant. Currently still used by SQLQueryParser
        Generates the collection's identifier column aliases, based on the given suffix.
        suffix - The suffix to use in the key column alias generation.
        The key column aliases.