Class AbstractBinder<T>

    • Method Detail

      • isValidationEnabled

        public abstract boolean isValidationEnabled()
      • bind

        public <X extends TBinding<X> bind​(InputStream stream,
                                             Origin origin)
        Description copied from interface: Binder
        Bind from an InputStream
        Specified by:
        bind in interface Binder<T>
        stream - The InputStream containing XML
        origin - The descriptor of the stream origin
        The bound JAXB model
      • bind

        public <X extends TBinding<X> bind​(Source source,
                                             Origin origin)
        Description copied from interface: Binder
        Bind from an XML source.
        Specified by:
        bind in interface Binder<T>
        source - The XML source.
        origin - The descriptor of the source origin
        The bound JAXB model
      • hasNamespace

        protected static boolean hasNamespace​(StartElement startElement)