Package org.hibernate

Interface SharedSessionBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • connection

        SharedSessionBuilder connection()
        Signifies that the connection from the original session should be used to create the new session.
        this, for method chaining
      • interceptor

        SharedSessionBuilder interceptor()
        Signifies the interceptor from the original session should be used to create the new session.
        this, for method chaining
      • connectionHandlingMode

        SharedSessionBuilder connectionHandlingMode()
        Signifies that the connection release mode from the original session should be used to create the new session.
        this, for method chaining
      • autoJoinTransactions

        SharedSessionBuilder autoJoinTransactions()
        Signifies that the autoJoinTransaction flag from the original session should be used to create the new session.
        this, for method chaining
      • flushMode

        SharedSessionBuilder flushMode()
        Signifies that the FlushMode from the original session should be used to create the new session.
        this, for method chaining
      • autoClose

        SharedSessionBuilder autoClose()
        Signifies that the autoClose flag from the original session should be used to create the new session.
        this, for method chaining