Package org.hibernate.type.descriptor.jdbc
Defines handling of almost the full range of standard JDBC-defined SQL data types. Each JDBC type is described by an implementation
See this discussion of the role JdbcType
plays in basic type mappings.
We omit certain JDBC types here solely because Hibernate does not use them itself, not due to any inability to provide proper descriptors for them. There are no descriptors for:
Nor is there a generic descriptor for STRUCT
in this package, but dialect-specific implementations are provided elsewhere.
On the other hand, we actually extend the set of JDBC types by enumerating
additional types in SqlTypes
- See Also:
, Mapping SQL and Java Types
Interface Summary Interface Description AdjustableJdbcType Extension contract for JdbcType implementations that understand how to adjust themselves relative to where/how they are used (e.g.AggregateJdbcType JdbcLiteralFormatter<T> A formatter object for rendering values of a given Java type as SQL literals of a certain JDBC/SQL type.JdbcType Descriptor for the SQL/JDBC side of a value mapping.JdbcTypeConstructor Factory for anyJdbcType
which is parameterized by a secondJdbcType
, the "element" type.JdbcTypeIndicators A parameter object that helps determine theSQL/JDBC type
recommended by the JDBC spec (explicitly or implicitly) for a given Java type. -
Class Summary Class Description ArrayJdbcType Descriptor forARRAY
handling.ArrayJdbcTypeConstructor Factory forArrayJdbcType
.BasicBinder<J> Convenience base implementation ofValueBinder
BasicExtractor<J> Convenience base implementation ofValueExtractor
BigIntJdbcType Descriptor forBIGINT
handling.BinaryJdbcType Descriptor forBINARY
handling.BlobJdbcType Descriptor forBLOB
handling.BooleanJdbcType Descriptor forBOOLEAN
handling.CharJdbcType Descriptor forCHAR
handling.ClobJdbcType Descriptor forCLOB
handling.DateJdbcType Descriptor forDATE
handling.DecimalJdbcType Descriptor forDECIMAL
handling.DelegatingJdbcTypeIndicators DoubleJdbcType Descriptor forDOUBLE
handling.DurationJdbcType Descriptor forDuration
.EnumJdbcType Represents anenum
type for databases like MySQL and H2.FloatJdbcType Descriptor forFLOAT
handling.H2FormatJsonJdbcType Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. UseH2JsonJdbcType
insteadInstantAsTimestampJdbcType Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. InstantAsTimestampWithTimeZoneJdbcType Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. InstantJdbcType Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. IntegerJdbcType Descriptor forINTEGER
handling.JdbcTypeFamilyInformation Information pertaining to JDBC type families.JdbcTypeJavaClassMappings Maintains the JDBC recommended mappings for JDBC type-code to/from Java Class as defined in Appendix B: Data Type Conversion Tables of the JDBC Specification.JsonAsStringJdbcType Specialized type mapping forJSON
and the JSON SQL data type.JsonJdbcType Specialized type mapping forJSON
and the JSON SQL data type.LobTypeMappings LongNVarcharJdbcType Descriptor forLONGNVARCHAR
handling.LongVarbinaryJdbcType Descriptor forLONGVARBINARY
handling.LongVarcharJdbcType Descriptor forLONGVARCHAR
handling.NationalizedTypeMappings Manages a mapping between nationalized and non-nationalized variants of JDBC types.NCharJdbcType Descriptor forNCHAR
handling.NClobJdbcType Descriptor forNCLOB
handling.NullJdbcType Descriptor for binding nulls with Types.NULLNumericJdbcType Descriptor forNUMERIC
handling.NVarcharJdbcType Descriptor forNVARCHAR
handling.ObjectJdbcType Descriptor for binding objects using any JDBC type code.ObjectNullAsBinaryTypeJdbcType Descriptor for binding objects, but binding nulls with Types.VARBINARYObjectNullAsNullTypeJdbcType Descriptor for binding objects, but binding nulls with Types.NULLObjectNullResolvingJdbcType Descriptor for binding objects, but binding nulls with the resolved parameter typeOracleJsonBlobJdbcType Specialized type mapping forJSON
and the BLOB SQL data type for Oracle.RealJdbcType Deprecated. useFloatJdbcType
RowIdJdbcType Descriptor forROWID
handling.SmallIntJdbcType Descriptor forSMALLINT
handling.TimeAsTimestampWithTimeZoneJdbcType Descriptor forTIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE
handling.TimeJdbcType Descriptor forTIME
handling.TimestampJdbcType Descriptor forTIMESTAMP
handling.TimestampUtcAsInstantJdbcType Descriptor forTIMESTAMP_UTC
handling.TimestampUtcAsJdbcTimestampJdbcType Descriptor forTIMESTAMP_UTC
handling.TimestampUtcAsOffsetDateTimeJdbcType Descriptor forTIMESTAMP_UTC
handling.TimestampWithTimeZoneJdbcType Descriptor forTIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE
handling.TimeUtcAsJdbcTimeJdbcType Descriptor forTIME_UTC
handling.TimeUtcAsOffsetTimeJdbcType Descriptor forTIME_UTC
handling.TimeWithTimeZoneJdbcType Descriptor forTIME_WITH_TIMEZONE
handling.TinyIntAsSmallIntJdbcType TinyIntJdbcType Descriptor forTINYINT
handling.UUIDJdbcType Specialized type mapping forUUID
and the UUID SQL data type.VarbinaryJdbcType Descriptor forVARBINARY
handling.VarcharJdbcType Descriptor forVARCHAR
handling.XmlAsStringJdbcType Specialized type mapping forSQLXML
and the XML SQL data type.XmlJdbcType Specialized type mapping forSQLXML
and the XML SQL data type.XmlJdbcType.XmlValueBinder<X> -
Enum Summary Enum Description JdbcTypeFamilyInformation.Family