Package org.hibernate

Class UnresolvableObjectException

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnresolvableObjectException

        public UnresolvableObjectException​(Object identifier,
                                           String entityName)
        Constructs an UnresolvableObjectException using the specified information.
        identifier - The identifier of the entity which could not be resolved
        entityName - The name of the entity which could not be resolved
      • UnresolvableObjectException

        protected UnresolvableObjectException​(String message,
                                              Object identifier,
                                              String clazz)
    • Method Detail

      • throwIfNull

        public static void throwIfNull​(Object entity,
                                       Object identifier,
                                       String entityName)
                                throws UnresolvableObjectException
        Factory method for building and throwing an UnresolvableObjectException if the entity is null.
        entity - The entity to check for nullness
        identifier - The identifier of the entity
        entityName - The name of the entity
        UnresolvableObjectException - Thrown if entity is null
      • getIdentifier

        public Object getIdentifier()
      • getEntityName

        public String getEntityName()