Interface TypeBinder<A extends Annotation>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BatchSizeBinder, CommentBinder, CommentsBinder, DiscriminatorOptionsBinder

    public interface TypeBinder<A extends Annotation>
    Allows a user-written annotation to drive some customized model binding.

    An implementation of this interface interacts directly with model objects like PersistentClass and Component to implement the semantics of some custom mapping annotation.

    For example, this annotation disables rowcount checking for insert, update, and delete statements for annotated entities:

     @TypeBinderType(binder = NoResultCheck.Binder.class)
     @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME)
     public @interface NoResultCheck {
         class Binder implements TypeBinder<NoResultCheck> {
             public void bind(NoResultCheck annotation,
                     MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext,
                     PersistentClass persistentClass) {
             public void bind(NoResultCheck annotation,
                     MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext,
                     Component embeddableClass) {
                 throw new AnnotationException("'@NoResultCheck' cannot annotate an '@Embeddable' class");
    See Also:
    TypeBinderType, AttributeBinder
    • Method Detail

      • bind

        void bind​(A annotation,
                  MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext,
                  PersistentClass persistentClass)
        Perform some custom configuration of the model relating to the given annotated entity class.
        annotation - an annotation of the entity class that is declared as an TypeBinderType
        persistentClass - the entity class
      • bind

        void bind​(A annotation,
                  MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext,
                  Component embeddableClass)
        Perform some custom configuration of the model relating to the given annotated embeddable class.
        annotation - an annotation of the embeddable class that is declared as an TypeBinderType
        embeddableClass - the embeddable class