Package org.hibernate.dialect
Class PostgreSQLCastingInetJdbcType
- java.lang.Object
- org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLCastingInetJdbcType
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class PostgreSQLCastingInetJdbcType extends Object implements JdbcType
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static PostgreSQLCastingInetJdbcType
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description PostgreSQLCastingInetJdbcType()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
appendWriteExpression(String writeExpression, SqlAppender appender, Dialect dialect)
Append the write expression wrapped in a way to be able to write values with this JdbcType's ValueBinder.<X> ValueBinder<X>
getBinder(JavaType<X> javaType)
Obtain a binder object capable of binding values of the given Java type to parameters of a JDBCPreparedStatement
A JDBC type code that identifies the SQL column type.<X> ValueExtractor<X>
getExtractor(JavaType<X> javaType)
<T> JdbcLiteralFormatter<T>
getJdbcLiteralFormatter(JavaType<T> javaType)
The JDBC type code used when interacting with JDBC APIs.String
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.type.descriptor.jdbc.JdbcType
addAuxiliaryDatabaseObjects, addAuxiliaryDatabaseObjects, getCastType, getCheckCondition, getDdlTypeCode, getExtraCreateTableInfo, getFriendlyName, getJdbcRecommendedJavaTypeMapping, getPreferredJavaTypeClass, isBinary, isDecimal, isDuration, isFloat, isInteger, isInterval, isLob, isLobOrLong, isNationalized, isNumber, isString, isStringLike, isTemporal, registerOutParameter, registerOutParameter, wrapTopLevelSelectionExpression, wrapWriteExpression
Field Detail
public static final PostgreSQLCastingInetJdbcType INSTANCE
Method Detail
public void appendWriteExpression(String writeExpression, SqlAppender appender, Dialect dialect)
Description copied from interface:JdbcType
Append the write expression wrapped in a way to be able to write values with this JdbcType's ValueBinder.- Specified by:
in interfaceJdbcType
public int getJdbcTypeCode()
Description copied from interface:JdbcType
The JDBC type code used when interacting with JDBC APIs.For example, it's used when calling
PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int)
.- Specified by:
in interfaceJdbcType
- Returns:
- a JDBC type code
public int getDefaultSqlTypeCode()
Description copied from interface:JdbcType
A JDBC type code that identifies the SQL column type.This value might be different from
if the actual type e.g. JSON is emulated through a type like CLOB.- Specified by:
in interfaceJdbcType
- Returns:
- a JDBC type code
public <T> JdbcLiteralFormatter<T> getJdbcLiteralFormatter(JavaType<T> javaType)
Description copied from interface:JdbcType
Obtain a formatter object capable of rendering values of the given Java type as SQL literals of the type represented by this object.- Specified by:
in interfaceJdbcType
public <X> ValueBinder<X> getBinder(JavaType<X> javaType)
Description copied from interface:JdbcType
Obtain a binder object capable of binding values of the given Java type to parameters of a JDBCPreparedStatement
public <X> ValueExtractor<X> getExtractor(JavaType<X> javaType)
Description copied from interface:JdbcType
Obtain an extractor object capable of extracting values of the given Java type from a JDBCResultSet
.- Specified by:
in interfaceJdbcType
- Parameters:
- The descriptor describing the types of Java values to be extracted- Returns:
- The appropriate extractor