Interface SharedSessionContractImplementor

    • Method Detail

      • getPersistenceContext

        PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext()
        Get the persistence context for this session.

        See getPersistenceContextInternal() for a faster alternative.

        Implementation Note:
        This method is not extremely fast: if you need to call the PersistenceContext multiple times, prefer keeping a reference to it instead of invoking this method multiple times.
      • getSessionIdentifier

        UUID getSessionIdentifier()
        Obtain a UUID which uniquely identifies this session.

        The UUID is useful mainly for logging.

      • getSessionToken

        default Object getSessionToken()
        Obtain a "token" which uniquely identifies this session.
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Determines whether the session is closed.

        true if the session is closed; false otherwise.
        API Note:
        Provided separately from SharedSessionContract.isOpen() as this method does not attempt any JTA synchronization registration, whereas SharedSessionContract.isOpen() does. This one is better for most internal purposes.
      • isOpenOrWaitingForAutoClose

        default boolean isOpenOrWaitingForAutoClose()
        Determines whether the session is open or is waiting for auto-close.
        true if the session is closed, or if it's waiting for auto-close; false otherwise.
      • checkOpen

        default void checkOpen()
        Check whether the session is open, and if not:
        • mark the current transaction, if any, for rollback only, and
        • throw an IllegalStateException. (JPA specifies this exception type.)
      • checkOpen

        void checkOpen​(boolean markForRollbackIfClosed)
        Check whether the session is open, and if not:
        • if markForRollbackIfClosed = true, mark the current transaction, if any, for rollback only, and
        • throw an IllegalStateException. (JPA specifies this exception type.)
      • prepareForQueryExecution

        void prepareForQueryExecution​(boolean requiresTxn)
        Prepare for the execution of a Query or ProcedureCall
      • markForRollbackOnly

        void markForRollbackOnly()
        Marks current transaction, if any, for rollback only.
      • isTransactionInProgress

        boolean isTransactionInProgress()
        Does this session have an active Hibernate transaction, or is it associated with a JTA transaction currently in progress?
      • checkTransactionNeededForUpdateOperation

        default void checkTransactionNeededForUpdateOperation​(String exceptionMessage)
        Check if an active Transaction is available before performing an update operation against the database.

        If an active transaction is necessary, but no transaction is active, a TransactionRequiredException is raised.

        exceptionMessage - the message to use for the TransactionRequiredException
      • accessTransaction

        Transaction accessTransaction()
        Retrieves the current Transaction, or creates a new transaction if there is no transaction active.

        This method is primarily for internal or integrator use.

        the Transaction
      • generateEntityKey

        EntityKey generateEntityKey​(Object id,
                                    EntityPersister persister)
        Instantiate an EntityKey with the given id and for the entity represented by the given EntityPersister.
        id - The entity id
        persister - The entity persister
        The entity key
      • setAutoClear

        void setAutoClear​(boolean enabled)
        there's no good reason to expose this here
        Enable or disable automatic cache clearing from after transaction completion.
      • internalLoad

        Object internalLoad​(String entityName,
                            Object id,
                            boolean eager,
                            boolean nullable)
                     throws HibernateException
        Obtain an entity instance with the given id, without checking if it was deleted or scheduled for deletion.
        • When nullable = false, this method may create a new proxy or return an existing proxy; if it does not exist, an exception is thrown.
        • When nullable = true, the method does not create new proxies, though it might return an existing proxy; if it does not exist, a null value is returned.

        When eager = true, the object is eagerly fetched from the database.

      • getContextEntityIdentifier

        Object getContextEntityIdentifier​(Object object)
        Return the identifier of the persistent object, or null if it is not associated with this session.
      • bestGuessEntityName

        String bestGuessEntityName​(Object object)
        Obtain the best estimate of the entity name of the given entity instance, which is not involved in an association, by also considering information held in the proxy, and whether the object is already associated with this session.
      • bestGuessEntityName

        default String bestGuessEntityName​(Object object,
                                           EntityEntry entry)
        Obtain the best estimate of the entity name of the given entity instance, which is not involved in an association, by also considering information held in the proxy, and whether the object is already associated with this session.
      • isDefaultReadOnly

        boolean isDefaultReadOnly()
        Are entities and proxies loaded by this session read-only by default?
      • setCacheMode

        void setCacheMode​(CacheMode cm)
        Set the current CacheMode for this session.
      • setCriteriaCopyTreeEnabled

        void setCriteriaCopyTreeEnabled​(boolean jpaCriteriaCopyComplianceEnabled)
      • isCriteriaCopyTreeEnabled

        boolean isCriteriaCopyTreeEnabled()
      • getNativeJdbcParametersIgnored

        boolean getNativeJdbcParametersIgnored()
      • setNativeJdbcParametersIgnored

        void setNativeJdbcParametersIgnored​(boolean nativeJdbcParametersIgnored)
      • getFlushMode

        FlushModeType getFlushMode()
        there's no good reason to expose this here
        Get the current FlushModeType for this session.

        For users of the Hibernate native APIs, we've had to rename this method as defined by Hibernate historically because the JPA contract defines a method of the same name, but returning the JPA FlushModeType rather than Hibernate's FlushMode. For the former behavior, use getHibernateFlushMode() instead.

        The FlushModeType in effect for this Session.
      • setHibernateFlushMode

        void setHibernateFlushMode​(FlushMode flushMode)
        Set the current FlushMode for this session.

        The flush mode determines the points at which the session is flushed. Flushing is the process of synchronizing the underlying persistent store with persistable state held in memory.

        For a logically "read-only" session, it's reasonable to set the session flush mode to FlushMode.MANUAL at the start of the session (in order skip some work and gain some extra performance).

        flushMode - the new flush mode
      • flush

        void flush()
        Flush this session.
      • isEventSource

        default boolean isEventSource()
        Determines if this session implements EventSource.

        Only stateful session are sources of events. If this object is a stateless session, this method return false.

      • asEventSource

        default EventSource asEventSource()
        Cast this session to EventSource if possible.

        Only stateful session are sources of events. If this object is a stateless session, this method throws.

        ClassCastException - if the cast is not possible
      • afterScrollOperation

        void afterScrollOperation()
        Called after each operation on a ScrollableResults, providing an opportunity for a stateless session to clear its temporary persistence context. For a stateful session, this method does nothing.
      • shouldAutoClose

        boolean shouldAutoClose()
        there's no reason to expose this here
        Should this session be automatically closed after the current transaction completes?
      • getExceptionConverter

        ExceptionConverter getExceptionConverter()
        Obtain an ExceptionConverter for reporting an error.

        The converter associated to a session might be lazily initialized, so only invoke this getter when there's an actual need to use it.

        the ExceptionConverter for this Session.
      • getPersistenceContextInternal

        PersistenceContext getPersistenceContextInternal()
        Similar to getPersistenceContext(), with two differences:
        1. this version performs better as it allows for inlining and probably better prediction, and
        2. it skips some checks of the current state of the session.
        Choose wisely: performance is important, but correctness comes first.
        the PersistenceContext associated to this session.
      • autoFlushIfRequired

        boolean autoFlushIfRequired​(Set<String> querySpaces)
                             throws HibernateException
        detect in-memory changes, determine if the changes are to tables named in the query and, if so, complete execution the flush
        querySpaces - the tables named in the query.
        true if flush is required, false otherwise.
      • autoPreFlush

        default void autoPreFlush()
      • isEnforcingFetchGraph

        default boolean isEnforcingFetchGraph()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        this is not used anywhere
        Are we currently enforcing a fetch graph?
      • setEnforcingFetchGraph

        default void setEnforcingFetchGraph​(boolean enforcingFetchGraph)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        this is not used anywhere
        Enable or disable fetch graph enforcement.
      • afterOperation

        void afterOperation​(boolean success)
        Check if there is a Hibernate or JTA transaction in progress and, if there is not, flush if necessary, making sure that the connection has been committed (if it is not in autocommit mode), and finally run the after completion processing.
        success - true if the operation a success
      • isSessionImplementor

        default boolean isSessionImplementor()
        Does this object implement SessionImplementor?
      • isStatelessSession

        default boolean isStatelessSession()
        Does this object implement StatelessSession?